DE GOP will not be satisfied until they “dirty-up” all of their candidates

Filed in National by on October 21, 2007

It is hard to get to know J. Christian. The DE GOP keeps throwing mud on her. From today’s NJ.

Pssst Smyrna! Get your absentee ballots!

The term “absentee ballot” brings back memories in Smyrna, and not very pleasant ones. Back in 2005, then-Mayor Mark Schaeffer went door-to-door, soliciting absentee ballots on behalf of voters — which is permitted by town ordinances — and also handing actual ballots to voters. That is not permitted.

When Schaeffer’s re-election campaign came to a close and the ballots cast in the voting machines were counted, challenger Gene Mullen had a 39-vote lead. But when the absentee ballots were opened, Schaeffer won by two highly disputed votes. That caused such an uproar that the General Assembly waded in, passing a landmark reform of Delaware municipal election laws.

Although Smyrna elections are nonpartisan, Schaeffer is a Republican who once ran against then-Sen. James T. Vaughn, D-Clayton. Were it not for his embarrassing electoral antics, Schaeffer might have wound up as the GOP’s candidate in the race to replace Vaughn, who died Oct. 10. But Joanne Christian is the Republican candidate for Vaughn’s seat, running against longtime Rep. Bruce C. Ennis, D-Smyrna. Given the Schaeffer debacle, you’d think the GOP would have learned to steer clear of soliciting absentee ballots, at least in the Smyrna area. Apparently not.

Republican voters in the area recently received a campaign come-on in their mailboxes from the Christian camp. Emblazoned on the front of the envelope, in red letters, were the words, “ABSENTEE BALLOT ENCLOSED.” Those who opened them found not an actual ballot inside, but an affidavit to request an absentee ballot. Either way, the episode caused considerable mirth among local Democrats once they got wind of the mailing. “Can you say one-page playbook?” one cracked.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Outside the Perimeter « kavips | October 25, 2007
  1. Dave says:

    The Democrats did the same thing about three days later, and there’s a difference between sending affadavits in the mail and going door-to-door with the ballots.

    This is what you do when you have nothing good to say about your own candidate?

  2. jason330 says:

    I’m just a simple reporter and undecided voter. I’ll put my “editor in chief” hat on and write my endorsement post after my upcomming meeting with J. Christian.

    In the meantime I’ll be searching around for positive things to say about your candidate. Needless to say, I will not be searching on Delawarewatch.

  3. anon. says:

    Dave says,the Democrats did it three days later. That makes it alright then, what a dumbass you are Burris.

  4. disbelief says:

    You can’t buy publicity like that.

  5. Chris says:

    “Dave says,the Democrats did it three days later. That makes it alright then, what a dumbass you are Burris.”

    I think it is more likely that he is simply pointing out the hypocrisy that is

    I so look forward to Jason’s “unbiased” report….like I can’t already spout word for word what it will say.

  6. disbelief says:

    So do what you always do Chris and don’t.

  7. Arthur Downs says:

    The act of providing an application for an absentee ballot is quite legal. The fact that the envelope containing it indicated that the actual ballot was inside could have caused some voter to wait too late to apply for such a ballot. Would this work to the disadvantage of either candidate? It would seem to cut both ways.

    Attempts to make an issue about an error in labelling hints of a grasping at straws.

  8. Arthur Downs says:

    The act of providing an application for an absentee ballot is quite legal. The fact that the envelope containing it indicated that the actual ballot was inside could have caused some voter to wait too late to apply for such a ballot. Would this work to the disadvantage of either candidate? It would sem to cut both ways.

    Attempts to make an issue about an error in labelling hints of a grasping at straws.

  9. Von Cracker says:



    Sweet marketing ploy. Must have an ex-MBNAer* on staff! 😉

    *disclosure: I am an ex-MBNAer….fun times