Hube thinks greenhouse gas induced climate change is a hoax

Filed in National by on October 21, 2007

..and/or liberals are bastards.

Something like that. I’m not sure. Read it and make up your own mind.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (4)

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  1. disbelief says:

    Hube’s also always the first to say “Who farted?” I’m starting to get suspicious.

  2. disbelief says:

    Nobody do anything rash. Jason will be in a very bad mood for the next few days. The Eagles just f**ked up a sure win.

  3. Art Downs says:

    It is all to easy to confuse cause with effect.

    How conventient it is to the would-be ecological curve fitters to ifnre the historical fact of the Little Ice Age and its end. We are not talking geological times.

    What is ignored is the role of insolation on the temperatures of planets. Is the specific energy output of the sun variable or constant? Do sunspot cycles and changes in the production of neutrinos mean nothing?

    Those who think otherwise should invest their meager holdings in Al Gore’s Environmental Indulgences.

  4. Perry Hood says:

    Did you see “An Inconvenient Truth”, Art Downs?

    I doubt it, but if you did you misunderstood Gore’s main point, which is that man’s use of fossil fuels during this 100 plus years’ industrial expansion period is a factor in global warming. Gore does not discount other short range factors such as sun activity. Nor does he discount weather patterns which we do not fully understand.

    So the message is: The best we can do is to start immediately to control the factors that are within our capability and understanding.

    You make a mistake if you allow your personal/political view of Gore interfere with his message; that’s known as having your head in the sand.

    So, did you see “An Inconvenient Truth”, Art?