Jerry Northington Essay Front Paged at Kos

Filed in National by on October 24, 2007

The issue of continued funding of the occupation of Iraq just won’t leave my mind today. President Bush yesterday returned to Congress with a new request for funds to continue the occupation of Iraq and the military presence in Afghanistan. An additional $46 billion is requested on top of the original request for $150 billion. This request for additional funds comes on the heels of a Presidential veto of funding for children’s health care justified on the basis of costs. The administration finds no apparent disconnect between funding a war and denying our nation’s children appropriate medical care.

Mike Castle will pull out his rubber stamp once again while telling everyone how opposed to the war he is.

Too bad I can count the number of people who give a hoot about the war on one hand.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. anon says:

    $2.4 trillion.

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    I heard on NPR this morning that the chairman of the Appropriations Comt. isn’t going to bring this up until after the holiday break – against W’s wishes (according to Dana Perino yesterday).

    Interestingly the prez says he’ll veto to big health/education spending bill because it exceeds his number. I think it’s over by $19B and it passed the Senate something like 75 to 19. But he has no qualms about asking for another $196B for “Misadventures in Mess-o-potamia”.

  3. Rebecca says:

    This is not surprising. This is conservatism at it’s very best. They believe the only thing government is good for is military and police. No money for anything else. Bush is the dream president for these people.

    It’s good for the rich and very, very bad for the middle class and the poor. Yup, that’s the conservative agenda.

  4. Thanks for the note, Jason. There may not be many any of us can count in distinct opposition to the war, but that does not mean we should not work hard to change those minds.

    I find lots of people who just do not know the facts. They do not realize the magnitude of the cost to America and to the world. We are each and every one responsible for bringing the truth to every person we meet. If we make enough ripples a tsunami will result.

    Of course Castle will continue the same noises as before. That makes our putting forth the truth that much more important. The people of Delaware deserve a Congress person who represents the voters and not the corporate interests.

    Peace. Jerry

  5. Dave says:

    “This request for additional funds comes on the heels of a Presidential veto of funding for children’s health care justified on the basis of costs.”

    I don’t want to break up the love-fest. Does anyone care that the above statement is not true?

  6. disbelief says:

    Won’t Bush need relatively healthy children to take the place of our sons and daughters butchered in a place where there were no weapons of mass destruction?

  7. Dorian Gray says:

    OK Dave – So why was S-Chip vetoed? Please enlighten me. I heard some bullshit about moving toward social medicine. It’s like screaming there’s a monster in the closet. Why don’t you just call us all communists – that’s always an old reliable.

    Dana Perino said the veto was a commitment to the conservative value of responsible spending. That’s rich! I’m calling BULLSHIT!

    If no funding for the war means I don’t support the troops that the S-Chip veto means W hate children! One stupid comment deserves another.