Donviti’s fashion tips

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 25, 2007

Ladies, when wearing sandals please make sure to shave the hair on your toes as well as the top of your feet.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Andrew Card says:

    I loved my German hottie back in the day.

  2. disbelief says:

    Ah, yes. Furry European girl! With a crotch that looked like a black cat with a mouthful of guts.

  3. Andrew Card says:

    If you are not interested in natural European girls, you are not interested in life.

  4. Dana says:

    Good heavens, our friend Donviti, the Delaware Liberal, is a sexist pig. 🙂

    We all know that good liberal men are interested in liberal women almost entirely for their minds, for their compassion for the poor and downtrodden, and for those poor working men and women thrown out of their jobs by the greedy corporate bigshots and their willing accomplices in the Republican Party. If some of those compassionate liberal women happen to have a few stray hairs on their toes, it should be of little moment to a truly liberal and liberated feminist-supporting man.

    Indeed, you should urge such liberal women to throw away their razors entirely, and donate the money they save on them to starving children in Guatemala!

  5. donviti says:

    Good heavens, our friend Donviti, the Delaware Liberal,is a sexist pig

    call me Napolean, I wear my medals with honor!