and the Lord hath smited down on his flock!

Filed in National by on October 26, 2007

Lions 2Christians 0

must be some homo’s on that roster

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    So now along with gays, Muslims, atheists, Jews, adulterers, people was don’t honor their parents, and people who covert there neighbor’s Weber grill, God apparently hates the Colorado Rockies. Hooray!

    Perhaps Peter Coors should give another huge sum to a mega-church or James Dobson. The series will be back at two games apiece by Monday.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    Jeebus only intervenes during Detroit football games, according to John Kitna.

    The Sox are so good even SkyDad can’t stop them!

  3. Chris says:

    “So now along with gays, Muslims, atheists, Jews, adulterers, people was don’t honor their parents, and people who covert there neighbor’s Weber grill, God apparently hates the Colorado Rockies. Hooray!”

    I am now CONVINCED you were a victimized alter boy. Your contempt for religion seem too all-consuming. You may wish to seek professional help.