Delaware Liberal

Romney is the GOP’s Joe Biden

This post gets the full cut and paste treatment.

Romney Vows: US Will Quit The League Of Nations!
Multiple Choice Mitt decides that the US should pull out of organizations that we’re already out of:

“The United Nations has been an extraordinary failure of late,” Romney said during a South Carolina campaign stop. “We should withdraw from the United Nations Human Rights Council.”

There’s one problem: The United States already boycotts the Human Rights Council, and has not sought a seat on it. This caused an aide to clarify the remarks by saying what Romney really meant is that the U.S. should stop any possible financial support for the council.

Apparently, under a Romney Administration, we will also be boycotting the Warsaw Pact, refusing to recognize the Ottoman Empire, and denouncing the formation of the juvenile army to fight the Children’s Crusade.

The real point here is that the United Nations is such a boogeyman on the right, such an effigy that must be burned, that candidates must reject it in full, even if they’re completely ignorant of its organization.

Also – The R’s are falling all over themselves to show that they are the most blood thirsty killer in the bunch.

McCain Flip Flops on wanting to peronally shoot Osama Bin Laden

ROCHESTER, N.H. — Republican presidential candidate John McCain told workers of small weapons factory that he not only wants to catch Osama Bin Laden if elected, but said he “will shoot him with your products.”

“I will follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell and I will shoot him with your products,” McCain said.

McCain told reporters afterward he was joking when he made the comment at Thompson Center Arms in Rochester.

“I certainly didn’t mean I would actually shoot him. I am certainly angry at him, but I was only speaking in a way that was trying to emphasize my point,” McCain said. “I would not shoot him myself.” [emphasis added]

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