A Donviti keen observation #207

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 31, 2007

Poor people are poor because they like being poor.  They aren’t motivated to do shit.  It’s pretty much their own fault they are poor.

 Happy halloween!


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hiding in the open

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  1. jason330 says:

    The proof is that they have cell phones.

  2. donviti says:

    but if they have a cell phone they aren’t poor

  3. liberalgeek says:

    what about sneakers?

  4. Von Cracker says:

    if they can afford Cheetos and WacDonalds, they’re not poor.

  5. Phantom says:

    Yes, but they all have photo identification in order to use Check Cashing establishments. Don’t forget that piece of information from the reliable source of the head of the Justice Dept Voting Rights Division. I mean if they can afford the money to have identification then explain how they are poor?

  6. tommywonk says:

    Poor people have shoes?

  7. Alan says:

    A mere 90 years ago, and for millenia before that, the poor;
    Did not have running water.
    Did not have indoor plumbing.
    Did not have a reliable food supply.
    Did not have vaccines against the truly ravaging diseases.
    Did not have access to medical care because medical care as we know it did not exist.
    Did not expect to live much past reproductive age.
    Did not travel because they were “tied” to the land.
    Did not have much fun other than that tied to procreation.

    And the “poor” comprised about 95% of the population. Even the richest kings of old did not have many of the things that poor people today have access to.

    In a relatively short period of time, capitalism and democracy combined to change all that – even for the poorest Americans.

    I ain’t saying it’s great to be poor (I have been there myself), but it is better than it used to be!

    The right seems to think this is enough and the left seems to think it is not even close to enough.

  8. donviti says:

    I ain’t saying it’s great to be poor (I have been there myself), but it is better than it used to be!

    ruh, roh. The better off than you used to be.

    when you were a kid I bet you walked up hil both ways to school too.

  9. Sharon says:

    Most of us have been broke, if not poor, at some point in our lives. Typically, when one is young, one doesn’t make much money. But as a person ages, they tend to make better money because of education and job experience.

    It’s true that poverty in America today is nothing like it was a mere generation or two ago. We have obese poor people, a concept simply unthinkable 50 years ago. Most of the poor own color TVs, have AC and heat and own their own homes. Sure, it isn’t great, but it’s not hunting squirrels for dinner either.

  10. donviti says:

    here comes the parade

  11. Von Cracker says:

    I don’t think Sharon knows what she’s talking about.

    Go to a butcher in downtown Wilmington and you’ll still find Muskrat as a choice.

    And obesity amongst the poor has more to do with the quality of food they eat than the amount consumed.

    I’m sure a poor family can pony-up $40 for a used AC window unit or a color TV, but to say that you know for certain that most of the poor have AC is a fantastical statement. To say that they can afford the power bill is a question too.

    What’s next? Cadillac-driving welfare queens? We’ve heard that racist tripe before – and it was proven false….

  12. Sharon says:

    Most houses built after 1980 have heating and AC built into them. You can’t get FHA loans, for example, without it.

    And you don’t get fat if you don’t consume a lot of calories. You can kid yourself that we have fat poor people for some other reason (the cartel!) but you have to consume the calories, period.

    It’s amazing the attempts to make what “poor” people live like today sound like real poverty, but, sorry, Americans don’t know what real poverty is.

  13. Von Cracker says:

    Hum, have you ever been to Chester…or how about the shanty-towns of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida? The squalor rivals Latin & South America and Asia.

    If you qualify for a HUD program, then you’re already close to the upper levels of the poverty scale, but a majority of the ones who are not certainly know what true poverty is.