Delaware Liberal

Rep. Ennis up 2-to-1 in money race

PATRICK JACKSON has the story.

DOVER — Rep. Bruce Ennis, D-Smyrna, has an almost 2-1 fundraising edge over his Republican opponent, Appoquinimink School Board President Joanne Christian, according to reports filed with the state Election Department.

Ennis raised about $42,900 during the reporting period, which started when he entered the race to succeed the late Sen. James Vaughn on Sept. 26 and ended Friday. Christian raised $22,350 during from her entry in the race on Sept. 30 and Friday.

By the filing deadline, Ennis had spent almost $27,400 and Christian had spent about $21,370. Both candidates spent most of their money on fliers, yard signs, ads in local newspapers and with campaign consultants.

I guess the GOP’s inability to jam illegal contributions into the Christian campaign slowed them down a bit.

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