Archive for October, 2007

Cohenology 101: The Death Rattle part 1

Filed in National by on October 19, 2007 15 Comments

I’m not sad that Celia Cohen is finished. She abused her virtual monopoly by using the trappings of journalism to protect and prop up her friends. She squandered her reader’s presumption of journalistic objectivity and now that she has been exposed as the vindictive and small minded hack that she is, she has nothing. Her […]

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recycled material

Filed in National by on October 19, 2007 0 Comments

I just came across some old material, that i thought I would share with my new audience…. A while back I wrote about the forgotten story of the floods  I can’t track that story down but there are a few of you that have read it.  Before that I wrote a pretty amazing story about my […]

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Mike Castle Props where Props are Due

Filed in National by on October 19, 2007 1 Comment

The one thing I like about Mike Castle is that he is not in the clique of closted GOP freaks like Larry Craig who think they need to bash gays all the time to show how “un-gay” they are. Castle was one of four GOPers on the committee who voted with the Democrats to move […]

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Ohhhhhhhhhhh SNAP!!!

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 10 Comments

Celia smacks down the DE GOP – but hard!! REPUBLICAN MANIPULATION The dawning of the Internet is like the splitting of the atom – a wonderful discovery with a limitless possibility for good or ill. The Internet can provide more information and insight than any single human being ever could absorb. It also can provide […]

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You know you are getting old when

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 2 Comments

you say to your kids, “You know where the quote ‘Nobody puts baby in a corner ‘is from?”  and they say “YES!” and look at you like you are stupid…. then say, it’s from the Fall Out Boy song

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What I just read

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 24 Comments
What I just read

It really is amazing how a book can stand the test of time. Animal Farm is a book that if you haven’t read since highschool you should pick up again. At 138 pages even George Bush could read it in a day. This time taking the time to read the forward and the introduction. One […]

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Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 0 Comments

When eating hot wings don’t itch your eyes or nose before thoroughly washing your hands

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Been caught lien, once, when I was 5…..

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 18, 2007 5 Comments

Like shooting fish in a barrel some days.. I HAVE STRONGLY SUPPORTED THE S-CHIP as a governor, and I have done so as president,” said President Bush at the beginning of a hastily called press conference on September 20. He was lying. as governor of Texas, Bush used the legislative calendar to stall two years […]

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Allsopp supports Ennis’ bid in 14th

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 12 Comments

 From the NJ. A constituent praises Rep. Ennis’ senatorial bid Bruce Ennis, my state representative from Smyrna, works tirelessly and selflessly for his constituents in the 28th District. Even though he is working on issues for his district, he still finds the time to return our phone calls and to ask if there is anything […]

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Comment Rescue: Dodd’s the man

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 3 Comments

Chris Dodd just put a hold on the FISA bill!!! Get off your ass and give him a donation right now. I don’t care how broke you are or if you even support Dodd as a presidential candidate. Just give him five bucks as a show of support for the FISA hold:

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Damn you GREX! Damn to to HELL!!!

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 1 Comment

I have’nt been able to get this song out of my head since you mentioned it. You bastard. [youtube=]

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See, free market trade works!

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 2 Comments

from a faithful reader I like to call Cracknsnuff he writes:  It is a world economy folks, and everything you own in assets is worth about 40% of what it was when Bush took office (unless they are in foreign stocks or bonds – in that case you are doing really well). Our currency is weaker […]

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If anyone needs more proof that Markell is going to be a great Governor…

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 6 Comments

…read his renewable energy plan. It is too bad that this kind of got swept off the air yesterday because of that skanky ho, Ann Coulter. Al should have Jack on for a full 1/2 hour to talk about this stuff.

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