Archive for October, 2007

2 words

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 18, 2007 9 Comments

FUCKING BULLSHIT To read about what should happen. Click Here

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I love these dorm room poli-sci rap session posts

Filed in National by on October 18, 2007 10 Comments

What a paradise we’d have if we just let go of the wheel and allowed the invisible hand of the market to take over everything.

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If you are a liberal who is worried about the Hillary Clinton steamroller

Filed in National by on October 17, 2007 1 Comment

read this MYDD post about John Edwards in Iowa.

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Which Jason will show up?

Filed in National by on October 17, 2007 7 Comments

As a liberal, whenever I defend the Democratic party and argue that there is some virtue in maintaining party unity*, I get shit for it because there are some reactionary a-holes in the upper reaches of that organization. But as a Democrat, whenever I bail on a Democratic candidate and argue that we need better […]

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UPDATED II: All ears on Al Mascitti this morning!!

Filed in National by on October 17, 2007 8 Comments

 Okay.  That was my emotional first response.  I just gave my more thoughtful second response over the air. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… One Word: Sad. The only thing I learned from that interview is when Al has a far away look in his eyes and Mrs. Mascitti asks, “What are you thinking about?” Al is thinking about what […]

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And now a word from your pResident…

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 17, 2007 1 Comment

“The way I like to put it is this.  There’s no bigger issue for the president to remind the moms and dads of America, if you happen to have a child, be fortunate to have a child.” D.C.; 3/7/2001

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Day 7: Whiny-ass begging

Filed in National by on October 17, 2007 23 Comments

I’m at a loss. I honestly believed Dave when he told me that I’d end up liking Mrs. Christian. I’m keeping an open mind on that, but I’m not liking this treatment. If anyone has any ideas about how to convince Mrs. Christian to allow me to interview her – I’m all ears. In the […]

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Senator Harris B. McDowell III is a E’ffing Embarrassment

Filed in National by on October 16, 2007 7 Comments

Only a major league scumbag would write the kind of nonsense letter her wrote about windpower. Luckily, John Austin, Patricia Gearity and Tommywonk are on the case.

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Too bad “supporting the troops” does not mean paying attention to them.

Filed in National by on October 16, 2007 0 Comments

Today, 12 former Army captains (all Iraq veterans) advocate for a withdrawal from Iraq in the editorial pages of the Washington Post: There is one way we might be able to succeed in Iraq. To continue an operation of this intensity and duration, we would have to abandon our volunteer military for compulsory service. Short […]

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Oh No! Not Another Blue-Blooded President

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 16, 2007 4 Comments

I am disappointed to report that Barack Obama is related by blood to Dick Cheney and George Bush. Here I thought that he was the outsider, but all along he has been the Bushies’ candidate of choice. My favorite line come from the Obama campaign: Obviously, Dick Cheney is sort of the black sheep of […]

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And now a word from your pResident…

Filed in Uncategorized by on October 16, 2007 0 Comments

“I think if you know what you believe, it makes it a lot easier to answer questions.  I can’t answer your question.”  Response to a question if he wished he could take back any of his answers in the first debate Reynoldsburg, Oh; 10/4/200

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So now we are Russia’s bitch

Filed in National by on October 16, 2007 0 Comments

Consequences-schmonsiquences, as long as George W. Bush does not lose face.

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Breaking News!!! Delawareliberal Quoted on Raw Story!!

Filed in National by on October 16, 2007 2 Comments

I’m not gonna lie!  this is huge… Blogs mock Giuliani for space invader answer Pretty soon people will be flocking here to see all the outstanding, in depth coverage we perform on not just the local sceene but the national zoo as well. Oh well, sorry to dissappoint you all….

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