UPDATED: A U of D Mind Control Victim Speaks Out !!

Filed in National by on November 2, 2007

I was a student at the University of Delaware in 1989 and I can tell you with 100% certainty that I was the victim of an “Orwellian program” that required me “to adopt highly specific university-approved views.”

It was a nightmare.

I was in geology class and some egg head WHO MADE NO SECRET OF THE FACT THAT HE WORKED FOR THE UNIVERSITY was trying to tell me that the earth was millions of years old. He totally insisted on it.

He claimed to have “proof” but his so-called “proof” was nothing more than a bunch of words in his whacked out sect’s holy book called “An Introduction to Geology.”

I pretended to buy into his “old Earth” beliefs to get through. But the experience has scarred me.


The most sober voice I’ve heard so far is Mahaffiee’s

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Dorian Gray says:

    Charles Darwin has a posse!

    (and Wallace was smart too…)

  2. Sharon says:

    At least you had a professor who addressed something pertaining to the subject. I, OTOH, sat in an astronomy class where the professor told us that “anyone who thinks an embryo is a human being is stupid.” What that had to do with stars and planets is still a mystery.

  3. Dana says:

    Well, the obvious question is: if the “diversity” program was so reasonable, why did the university cave in to us evil right-wingers and drop it?