Ennis wins with 68%

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 3, 2007

100% reporting. Looks like Smyrnadudette wins the book.


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  1. So, who won the bet?

  2. liberalgeek says:

    see above. Smyrmadudette is the winner.

  3. mmahaffie says:

    Well. Joanne Christian the Republican kicked JC the Independent’s butt. So she came in second of three. Of course, she also came in third of three…

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Perhaps she is more Republican than independent…dunno.

  5. smyrnadudette says:

    When can I get the prize!!!! Of course, the prize is really the result!!!!! Ennis did kick serious butt!!!!! WAY TO GO BRUCE!!!!!!

  6. Jules says:

    Allright, Dudette, as the prize winner and hottest thing on this blog, you get my congrats. Although Bruce did good too…

  7. The group I spoke to on Thursday night was leaning to Ennis but this result is a pretty tough one.

    I look forward to hearing the after action report on this one.

  8. oh, Hi dudette from Smyrna. I’m down with your intuition, chickee.

  9. 2 slices to go says:

    Dave, your stock in special elections just went from 100% to 50%…..hey look at it this way after getting your ass kicked in this special election they might not want your help in the upcoming 28th election.

  10. jason330 says:

    Smyrnadudette –

    send me your mailing address to claim your prize.

  11. smyrnadudette says:

    How do I do that without posting it to the world?

  12. Joanne Christian says:

    Geez Jason–Can’t I play? I would love to sign the book if you haven’t mailed it yet.

  13. jason330 says:


    delawareliberal (at) yahoo.com


    If that is you, I’d just like to say that you are a class act. Thanks for having the courage of your convictions.

  14. Dana Garrett says:

    “If that is you, I’d just like to say that you are a class act. Thanks for having the courage of your convictions.”

    But you don’t mean that Jason Scott. She’s a Republican and you believe Republicans are bad people by definition.

  15. Joanne Christian says:

    Jason–yes it really is me–and thank you for the compliment–mom would be pleased. I am just now seeing and catching up on blog history; and WOW do some of you blow me away!!
    Jason dear–I never knew you sent and issued SO MANY invitations to speak with me–couldn’t you have stepped back a decade and called on a
    land line? My face was on doorsteps and shopping centers, not hunting down latest blog entries..but the phone could always ring…and shoot my “oblivious” teenagers would have pointed you right to the target. Sorry you felt so neglected–now please don’t tell me you’re a middle child too…Anyway..here I am..pick my brains…talk to me..consult with me..argue with me….DIALOGUE Jason for a better Delaware…I will because again it’s personal and not politics….which is why I split my ticket, carefully weigh the choices, have politely declined Dave Burris’
    “take”, yet have been enlightened and honored by some incredible insight he has given me–of which I do hold him in the highest regard of counsel. However, as a man came to me and said…Joanne, you’re a statesman, not a politician…and people like you are not appreciated until it’s too late…Shoot, I’ll take that compliment…which I guess puts me in the same category as Van Gogh, Monet and lots of other artists, whose value now is incalcuable, but starved and faced rejection in their time. I’ll leave it to you to uncover the true statesmen who were never brought forth…Pat Paulsen? Dukakis? Lieberman? Have a giggle on me…And I will always sign Joanne Christian..Best regards…

  16. Dave says:

    That’s definitely her. No doubt about it.