noun verb Iraq

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 3, 2007

it is so fucking tiresome at this point and yet here they go.  It’s like a pimp telling a ho, I won’t slap you, if yo don’t make me.

President Bush, invoking the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, as he has many times before, contended Friday that Iraq is the central front in the struggle against extremism, telling a supportive military crowd at this Army post that it is imperative to continue fighting the increasingly unpopular war.

isn’t it time that people stand up against this bullshit? christ, it is so tiring at this point. 5 years of lies and bullshit and the press laps it up. LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS MY ASS!!!

Bush said Iraqis “are increasingly taking more responsibility for their own security,” and in a rare accounting of enemy deaths, he said more than 1,500 enemy fighters have been killed or captured every month since January.

in fact things are going so fucking well in Iraq that the fucking pussy diplomats in the state department are being forced to go to Iraq b/c none of them will fucking volunteer. yes, Iraq is so fucking safe that diplomats won’t go there for an assignment. I mean how much more proof do you fucking need? GOD DAMNIT I’M SO TIRED OF THIS SHIT! AREN’T YOU????

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hiding in the open

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  1. Chris says:


    Actually no. Haven’t been attacked since 9/11. While in you limited intellectual mind that nothing would have happened either way, I disagree. Iraq may not have been “responsible” for 9/11 (though I still have doubts that Saddam was innocent in the whole thing), but it has certainly acted as a focal point for their mission. Though usually patient and methodical, they can’t resist going where the action is. When we took the fight to Iraq (right or wrong), they came, they saw, and they were killed.

    So, sorry, I am not tired of this.

  2. liberalgeek says:

    No, Chris. There weren’t terrorist training camps before we got there (except one in an area that we patrolled) but now the whole country is a training camp and recruiting poster all rolled into one.


  3. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and don’t worry, Chris, If a republican wins in 2008, your kids will have a chance to fight in your war.

  4. Chris says:

    “Oh, and don’t worry, Chris, If a republican wins in 2008, your kids will have a chance to fight in your war.”

    As opposed to a Democrat winning, pulling us out of war and having my kids blown up on a bus heading to school by a terroris. At least in the war, they would be expecting trouble and be armed.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Yes, that’s very likely, Chris. The big bad tewwowists are gonna get you. They are a few guys with anger in their hearts and big plans. You still don’t see that we have played right into their hands. THIS IS WHAT THEY WANTED US TO DO! They want morons to be terrified that their kids are going to be blown up. They want us to overreact and start wars in their part of the world. They want us to spend billions of dollars to help them recruit.

    Chris, you are a terrorists best friend.

  6. I think that it is clear that since Castle is going to vote for security over freedoms, our DEM cry should be that the Terrorists Win As We :ose Our Freedoms And America Wins As We Take Our Country Back.

    A lot of people want Gore back in. Fine. But as he may decline he should also step out in support of Edwards as he should step out against Lieberman.

    For Fucks Sake.

  7. Chris says:

    “Yes, that’s very likely, Chris. The big bad tewwowists are gonna get you.”

    I know of about 3,000 people that did not find it very likely on November 11, 2001 either. They were just going to work. I am well aware of the fact that terrorists wish to create fear in us. However, it is not the creation of fear that wins their battle. What wins their battle is if we let that fear make us cower away from protecting ourselves. The only thing they are winning by us fighting them is a quicker trip to the 72 virgins.

    So ridicule all you want, but keep in mind there are also many in Spain and England that thought in unlikely too. So stuff your tiny brain that values partisanship over safety back into the vacant recesses of you mind and let the intelligent folks handle keeping your miserable hide safe. Loser.

  8. liberalgeek says:

    OK, Chris. 3,000 out of 300,000,000. You are much more likely to be killed driving to work than to be killed by a terrorist. Meanwhile, we have let our privacy, civil liberties, standing in the world, credibility as a thoughtful nation and our reputation of invincibility to be eroded.

    There isn’t anyone that thinks that we shouldn’t be strong, but when we act stupidly, as we have, we look like the schoolyard bully rather than the student council president.

    And with regards to your “loser” comment, I must have hit a nerve for you to sink to the level of name-calling. You must live in constant fear of realizing that you are completely wrong.

  9. Chris says:

    “3,000 out of 300,000,000. You are much more likely to be killed driving to work than to be killed by a terrorist.”

    3,000 only because we fought back. I surmise had we cowered (as we surely would have under Gore who is more worried about carbon offsets than terrorist bombs) that 3,000 would have looked like mild incident by now. If not for the heroics of the passangers on United Flight 93 and that plane had hit the Capitol Building (as Khalid Shaikh Mohammed claimed was its destination) or worse, the Sears Tower as others surmised it might have been headed to, how many deaths then. Still a drop in the bucket? How many Americans have to die for before LiberalGeek considers it noteworthy? That famous “liberal compassion” showing itself once again. You should be proud.

    “And with regards to your “loser” comment, I must have hit a nerve for you to sink to the level of name-calling. You must live in constant fear of realizing that you are completely wrong.”

    Please, compared to what I have been called just by you, “loser” is mild. And I live in no such fear. To be wrong I would have to be a liberal…and trust me…that will never happen. But fear not, you too could “grow up” someday, and become conservative. Its a maturity thing. Someday you will understand….maybe.

  10. Von Cracker says:

    I think what you see above is a classic case of Righteous Indignation. That, and Chris knows the possible future!

    Gore would’ve kept on changing his energy-saving light bulbs in the Oval Office as a response to the 9/11 attacks instead of continuing to read My Pet Goat.

    Stupid and a coward is no way to go through life, son.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    And, if Gore received an intelligence estimate stating Bin Laden Determined to Attack the US, are you saying the reply would be the same as Bu$hCo?

  12. donviti says:

    I love how chris is happy to trade us deaths in Iraq for them over here.

    how grand he is.

    real Christian you are chris.

    onward soldier

  13. Chris says:

    “how grand he is.

    real Christian you are chris.

    onward soldier”

    Then in the name of liberalism, lets just nuke our whole country, spare the insane radical terrorists, and life will be grand.

    Were you born stupid or is that a direct result of liberalism?

  14. Chris says:

    “And, if Gore received an intelligence estimate stating Bin Laden Determined to Attack the US, are you saying the reply would be the same as Bu$hCo?”

    No. He would have invited OBL over to watch the fireworks in person. May have even given him a few tips on how to maximize the deaths while minimizing the ecological impact. At any rate, we somehow would have payed reparations to the terrorist families.

    “I think what you see above is a classic case of Righteous Indignation. That, and Chris knows the possible future!”

    Actually, I am still quite confident that come election time, the American public will see the Democrats for what they are self-hating, power-hungry socialists, and realize that we would be safer putting ourselves in the hands of Iranian President NutJob himself than we would a Democrat.

    But, should the propogranda ministry known as the MSM actually succeed in getting one of those losers elected President. While I will dread the time ahead, I have no doubt in my mind that after four years, most of you, with the exception of our hardcore lefties, DV, Jace, and Nancy, will be longing for those good old Bush days. A sweet day it would be if not for the utter mess that we will inevitably be in. Enough to make a man sick. But by then, we will have to be scheduling doctors appointments out 2 and half years. But hey, it will be free!

  15. donviti says:

    deflect the christian comment all you want chris, you know it is true.

    you are about as christian as Stalin was. Despicable

  16. Chris says:

    “you are about as christian as Stalin was. Despicable”

    I don’t generally accept theological advice from a godless liberal. When it comes to religion, like politics and government, you know not of what you speak.

    The ones we are there to eliminate can best be described as “soliders of the devil”. Now before your tiny mind starts screaming “racism”, I am not talking about muslims. I am referring to those specific group of individuals that don’t think twice about stepping on bus dressed to the hilt with explosives and pressing a button. I actually believe a large percentage of muslims are good god-fearing people. I don’t agree with them in theology, especially in regards to their diminishing of women,’s rights, but I most certainly don’t think of them as worthless citizens. Terrorists on the other hand….well…I will not lose any sleep over seeing their judgement day expedited. Let them explain their actions to God as soon as they can.

    I understand religion can be a tricky area, especially for those afflicted with liberalism. But hopefully medical science can find a cure for liberalism and then you will be able to comprehend things much better.

  17. donviti says:

    while I may be godless in your mind Chrissy, I am well aware of the tolerance and acceptance that Jesus taught.

    I’m pretty sure Jesus didn’t preach blowing up people and murdering hundreds of thousands.

    You are pathetic piece of shit Christian that picks and chooses what part of the faith you want to ascribe to.

    You think abortion should be illegal.

    but fuck if you care if a carpet bomb rips the limbs off of a couple of 6 year old children in iraq.

    fuck you and your hypocrisy it is a joke.

    At least liberal and people like jason that believe in Christ ascribe to more of Jesus’ teachings than you ever will.;

  18. Chris says:

    “while I may be godless in your mind Chrissy, I am well aware of the tolerance and acceptance that Jesus taught.”

    My apologies. You are correct. I should bemore tolerant of other religions. I just keep forgetting that worship of your God, Karl Marx, is a religion.

    “You think abortion should be illegal”

    Pretty confident that Jesus would be with me on this one.

  19. And I’m pretty confidant that Jesus would have a diagnosis and a prescription for whatever disorder you’re suffering, Chris.

  20. Chris says:

    “while I may be godless in your mind Chrissy, I am well aware of the tolerance and acceptance that Jesus taught.”

    My apologies. You are correct. I should bemore tolerant of other religions. I just keep forgetting that worship of your God, Karl Marx, is a religion.

    “You think abortion should be illegal”

    Pretty confident that Jesus would be with me on this one.

    “but f**k if you care if a carpet bomb rips the limbs off of a couple of 6 year old children in iraq”

    Never said I didn’t care. But you act as if we went over there with that intention. We are over there to get those that would PURPOSELY AND INTEND to destroy any child not of their faith. That you cannot distinguish the two betrays your limited mental capacity. But that is ok. I will still be tolerant and kind to you.

  21. donviti says:

    that you are able to tolerate a few innocent deaths to “protect” your way of life is a joke and contradiction to your professed faith.

    You don’t get say you that murdering this inncent person is ok and then say that murdering this innocent person isn’t and get to question my religious pre occupation.

    I at least admit the hypocrisy of religion and laugh at it’s existence. You on the other hand value your religion, are proud of it, and yet can seperate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to killing people you don’t agree with.

  22. Von Cracker says:

    Shorter Chrissy: Might Makes Right! ….and one righteous too!

    Your posts reflect some serious anger and projection issues, dude. Get some help before your head explodes and someone gets hurt. Seriously.

  23. Chris says:

    “Your posts reflect some serious anger and projection issues, dude. Get some help before your head explodes and someone gets hurt. Seriously”

    Reread DV’S initial post and tell me agqin who has anger issues. For that matter reread your own in other topics. Its not the “angry left” for no reason.

  24. donviti says:

    Nice try chrissy. Don’t bother trying to lump me in with you.

    a real christian you are chris.

  25. Chris says:

    “that you are able to tolerate a few innocent deaths to “protect” your way of life is a joke and contradiction to your professed faith.”

    Well then I guess in the interest of consistency it is safe to assume you are now pro-life, as abortion is the taking of millions of lives to protect a way of life? I guess we are both hypocrites then.

  26. Von Cracker says:

    It’s called the Angry Left because the Right projects their weaknesses on their opponents. Duh. Even Rove knows that!

    Though, there is nothing inherently wrong with anger. It’s where it’s placed that matters.