Smyrna, Middletown Voters Reject the “R” word

Filed in National by on November 4, 2007

That’s my take.

Republican’s know that their “brand” is in the toilet. The word “republican” did not appear on anything. They have one issue, “open government,” and it is an issue that doesn’t really resonate outside of the blogs.

Voters have more practical concerns. Does this candidate hate government? Or does the candidate think the government has a legitimate role in providing needed services which help ensure that the benefits of capitalism accrue to everyone not just the privileged few?

Copeland chalks it up to the Dems registration advantage. (..cough…In a district that is 55% R & I…bullshit…cough….)

What ever get’s you through the night Charlie. Keep bellyaching but expect more Democratic pick-ups.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Outside the Perimeter: Post Election « kavips | November 5, 2007
  1. Hube says:

    Gee, the fact that Ennis’ name recognition and the fact that he’s been in the HoR for, like, ever has nothing to do with it.

    Good thing you said “my take.” ‘Cause, as usual, your partisan myopia makes you dead wrong.

  2. jason330 says:

    Hube –

    I’m not saying that Dave did not try to get voters to focus on the fact that Ennis has been in the HoR for, like, ever.

    It just didn’t work out the way he hoped.

  3. Rebecca says:

    Thing is, special elections are special. Because it’s such a short and contained election we can throw a whole lot of volunteers against it. So the big hurdle of identifying supporters and then getting them to vote is easier. This ran just like they teach you in the training seminars.

    The people I talked to yesterday were excited about voting for Ennis, and there were a fair number of R’s and I’s on our supporter lists.

    I’ve got to say that the 50-state-strategy is working here in Delaware. The “machine” is growing and getting stronger every week and we can mobilize a mob on very short notice. Copeland may have been able to throw a bunch of money at this race but we had the trained volunteers it took to do the job. And one trained and committed volunteer can outwork five paid campaign workers.

    Onward! We get to do it again now.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Oh, with all these practice runs we’re going to be really good at this by Nov 2008.


  5. Talk about issues people worry over with a credible plan to do something.

    Whether it is R or D orI , this act applies.

  6. RickJ says:

    It’s amazing how “talky” Protack gets after the “R’s” lose a race. I don’t remember him working too hard in 2004 after his primary, but I sure remember him hanging out in Republican HQ at the hotel after Minner won, running his mustachioed yap.

  7. George says:

    RickJ gets kudos for using the term “mustachioed yap”. Made my morning.

  8. bettyoops! says:

    Becky: The “machine” is growing and getting stronger every week and we can mobilize a mob on very short notice…..

    Well said…a truer statement not to be found.

    Here’s the thing…the ‘machine mob’ was operating well before you came to town and fell off a turnip truck…having worked in DEM party politics on all levels for over 35 years I wish you new comers: so-called ‘progressives’ would be less interested in organizing mobs and more interested in making (much needed) change.

  9. Anon says:

    Dave. Dave? … Dave……
    Come out , come out where ever you are.
    Ollie-Ollie-in Free………
    Dana? ,,,, Dana?????
    Are you still ,”Doing all you can do in Blog-sphere” land to help defeat Bruce Ennis????
    – -You guys are soooo effective.
    — You all in Wilmington did a great job getting your message out.
    – And Dave from Sussex too!
    One from the North and one from the South.

  10. 2 slices to go says:

    Good morning Dave, it’s true. it wasn’t a nightmare!

  11. Galunky says:

    Sooner or later, the fatman fire hall vote will dry up.

    Here’s your notice: As long as liberal D’s are in power, we will make your lives unbearable. Every day you wake up, we’ll make you wish you hadn’t.

    Get ready for the absolute worst years of your life. When we’re finished with you, you won’t even want to vote anymore.

  12. I’ve got to say that the 50-state-strategy is working here in Delaware. The “machine” is growing and getting stronger every week and we can mobilize a mob on very short notice
    dig it! good work Rebecca.

  13. jason330 says:


    Care to repost in English? Who is going to make life unbearable? How? What liberal D’s are in power?

    Is it me? Does anyone know what this guy is trying to get at?

  14. Here’s the thing…the ‘machine mob’ was operating well before you came to town and fell off a turnip truck
    So, ANNON II, your contribution is spreading a bunch of useless trash around the place.

  15. be scared, be very ‘fraid
    wittle lump of conservative doodoo is pissed!

  16. Rebecca says:


    Sorry if that sounded like we just invented the machine. There are wonderful people in the party who have worked for years and years and you are right, I’m a relative new comer. But I have seen changes and improvements, not in the people but in the process, over the past several years. If nothing else, having five staffers instead of two makes things run smoother, and the 50 state strategy is working.

    Don’t think I’ve ever been accused of falling off a turnip truck before. Sorry I raised your hackles.
