Ennis Credits Vaughn & Takes Swipes at DE GOP Brain Trust in WDEL Remarks

Filed in National by on November 5, 2007

I guess Bruce Ennis is, like everyone else, trying to make sense out of this very one sided victory. The swipe audio in not posted yet, but I’ll add it when it is.

WDEL Audio Link: Senate Priorities

WDEL Audio Link: Credits Jim Vaughn Legacy

The Vaughn legacy theory rings true to me. There were a great man older voters at my polling place and the “Greatest Generation” which Republicans try to paint as “Greedy Geezers” tend to view government as a positive actor in their lives. It is not surprising then, that they voted in this election for a man who represented a continuation of current policies and programs.

In the long run this should spook Democrats who need to be bringing in fresh blood.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. » Ennis Credits Vaughn & Takes Swipes at DE GOP Brain Trust in WDEL … | November 5, 2007
  1. Dana Garrett says:

    How pray tell was the Vaughn legacy about “open government?”

    In any case, I hope he means it when he says open government. I would be thrilled to publicly eat my words.

  2. smyrnadudette says:

    And Dana, we’ll be thrilled to publicly witness that.