It is going to be Romney for the Republicans

Filed in National by on November 5, 2007

Slate has the story. Romney is about to close it out.

Romney is on the cusp of leading all three early-primary states.

By Mark Blumenthal and Charles Franklin
Updated Monday, Nov. 5, 2007, at 12:48 PM ET Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. Illustration by Robert Neubecker.A new Winthrop/ETV poll in South Carolina shows Mitt Romney tied for second with Rudy Giuliani in the state, only one point behind Fred Thompson for first. Romney’s numbers have been trending upward recently, corresponding with increased advertising in the state. In case the GOP candidates need more motivation, the poll says nearly 30 percent of Republicans are still undecided.

Remember you read it here first.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Boy. Was I ever wrong about Romney « DelawareLiberal.Net | December 4, 2007
  1. liberalgeek says:

    I hate to use the M word, but I do wonder how the fundamentalist Christian voters will behave with a Mormon running for the office. We have already seen a sizable amount of prejudice here and many Christians view Mormonism as a cult.

  2. jason330 says:

    I seem to remember a recent poll which indicated that many religious bigots would reject Romney on those grounds.

  3. jason330 says:

    Of course if it comes down to Romney/Clinton the bigots will all vote for Romney.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Though Clinton actually practiced the values they supposedly follow, such as keeping her family together, forgiveness, etc.

    But that doesn’t matter because she’s a liberal Devil!

  5. Dana Garrett says:

    I hope it is Romney. His negatives are almost as high as Hillary’s. Besides, some of his statements during this campaign have all the extremism that will turn off the general electorate and remind them of Bush/Cheney/Rove.

  6. Dana says:

    The New Republic ran a hit piece on Governor Romney several months ago, saying, in effect, that while a person’s faith ought not to matter, if Mr Romney is a serious Mormon, then maybe it should matter.

    I’d point out that at this point in 2003, Howard Dean had the nomination practically sewed up. 🙂

  7. It is true Gov Romney is showing better in the early states than he is nationwide. An early boost will certainly help but I do not think he has it “wrapped up”. He is a top tier contender- no doubt.

    In the end it will be “who can beat Hillary”.

  8. Sharon says:

    Though Clinton actually practiced the values they supposedly follow

    I had no idea lying and cheating were Christian values.

  9. kavips says:

    Peter lied, and the harlot cheated. Jesus forgave them both…

    Which is more than one can say for republicans when it comes to Hillary.

    She forgave, which in my Book, puts her on a pedestal higher than all those republicans who can’t…..

    Not to preach, but the New Testament is clear. Those who forgive, are better than those who cannot………

  10. Dana says:

    kavips wrote:

    Peter lied, and the harlot cheated. Jesus forgave them both…

    Ahhh, but remember the story of the woman caught in adultery. Jesus forgave her, but sent her away with the instructions to go and sin no more.

    The Clintons (plural) never stopped lying, and I doubt that they can; it’s probably congenital.

  11. Dorian Gray says:

    Bill Clinton is a liar. Did I just enter a way back machine and beam myself to 1998? Can we take that part of the discussion over to the “who gives a shit” channel?

    BTW L-Geek, Mormonism is a cult, along with every other silly sectarian superstition. But really, take a look at how the Book of Mormon was “revealed” to Joseph Smith (the ex-con). I would be funny if it a serious presidential contender didn’t think it were true. It’s absolutely ludicrous. Did you know that when Jesus returns he is going to spend a lot of his time in Missouri? Who knew?

  12. Von Cracker says:

    “I had no idea lying and cheating were Christian values.”

    They are to the GOP political elite. Can’t deny that one. But a really can’t remember Hillary saying “We don’t torture” or “I’m not Gay” or using young political operatives to shut down valid recount procedures in FL, then subsequently giving the head of elections millions to run for office afterward.

    Again, Sharon shows she doesn’t know what she’s talking about! Bill and Hillary are the same person in her eyes. I hope one day, you Sharon, are judged by the acts of a spouse, family member, or friend, and it sticks to you for a very long time, undeservedly.

    We might have William Jefferson; you have forty-fold! So STFU!

    …BTW, I don’t support Hillary…I’ll take Edwards first.

  13. dan says:

    If there were no POLITICAL election, but only a process of elimination based on experience, character, competence, looks (yes, they ARE important in this image crazed country), intelligence, etc., ROMNEY would be the last one standing! On a second thought, he WILL be the last one standing – taking the oath of the POTUS come January 2009!