
Filed in National by on November 6, 2007

How many of you have off for Veterans Day?

I could take off because I was given a PTO day to use if I want too.  How patriotic!

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hiding in the open

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  1. ANNON II says:

    The city of Wilmington celebrated Veteran’s Day a couple Mondays ago….sad but true. Where’s GWB’s waring cheerleaders…the vets could use a little official appreciation…not just a flag lapel pin (illegal at that and probably made in China).

  2. I am lucky enough to have off Monday. We will be attending the Veterans Day ceremony on Sunday beginning at 10:30 AM at the War Memorial Plaza in New Castle. Looks like the weather will be nice enough to ride the bike.

    It’s always a moving ceremony, and the politicans usually show up (unless they are too busy running for President).

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    Hahahaha. Surely you jest.

  4. Shirley, see you at the Memorial Plaza. We shot our veterans campaign video there.