Let’s Hear It For Bush

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 7, 2007

Let’s all give it up for George Bush.  He has now reached levels of disapproval unknown since polling began.  He finally beat the record of Tricky Dick during his “Miracle Year.”  It was thought to be a record that would stand forever, but Nixon is no match for Bush.  We will never misunderestimate you again.

Congratulations Mr. President.  We knew you could do it.


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  1. Chris says:

    How are you little Dems in congress doing in approvals? Have they managed to claw their way up to even in the same ballpark?

    Just curious how our “saviors” were doing.

  2. Brian says:

    I try not to fight with anyone, because if you read my posts, here and on Dave’s blog you can see I stand for rule of law, the power of the Constitution, and not the power of any one person. So, disagree with Bush, yes definitely so, disagree with corruption definitely so, but no one party is immune from corruption, only a well regulated system of checks and balances can ensure that no one individual is given unlimited power and can be held accountable. So in this sense do not only say Thanks to President Bush but to Congress and their financial backers- none of whom have told you the truth as well.

    Maybe they have held the appropriate historical education from you….well the best thing to do is to ask them to follow the mantra Jefferson and FDR set for the democratic party and instead of dividing yourselves into little groups each with its own acrimony and nursing grievances toward all the others realize that your rights to be what you are whatever you are are inalienable and are derived from the creator and are protected in the constitution.

    So, drop the name calling, and the pure liberal screed and start calling your senators, congressmen, etc. and a wise piece of advice- be the change you want to see happen. Get involved in your community, your church, your union, etc. and help the people you meet, do good to them, show them that being a liberal means being broad minded. Encourage your congress people to support social programs for the state and not more adventurist foreign policy- realize that foreign policy is domestic policy in an interconnected world.

    Petition the government for redress of any wrong that you encounter every time you encounter it.

    In addition, once you drop the name calling and go back to the roots of FDR, you stand on a very firm footing.