Descending Into Hell

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 9, 2007

Next week I begin a week vacation with the family out to , MO to visit with Mrs. Geek’s family (Aunt’s, Uncles and Cousins from 1st to infinity).  As a part of this trip, we will spend a few days in Branson, MO (AKA Hell).

I don’t like either kind of music, country or western.  I do not like it in a car, I do not like it near or far.  I do not like on a stage, I do not like it more with age.  What can I say, I’m a yankee liberal (although the furthest north I’ve lived is Delaware County, PA).

Here’s the question that I need help with.  I am going with no interest at all in most of what Branson has to offer.  Has anyone been there and found something that a non-Nascar fan would like that is a bit off-the-wall and unique?  Otherwise, I may just have to feign “work issues” and hang on the laptop the whole time. 🙂

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  1. kavips says:

    I have heard numerous stories of people like you who dreaded being stuck in THAT town. All of them came back saying it was one of the high points of their trip…..

    But for the moment right now, I can’t remember why.

    I gather there must be a rather large community of transients, just like you, who sort of stick together, because they feel so different from the social stereotype that town tries to play off.

    All I can say is whenever I try to “dis” that town, all my friends who have been there, tell me I’m way off base.

    Perhaps you could share some light on that mystery when you get back?

  2. liberalgeek says:

    If you remember why, please let me know.

    I may be posting my “Dispatches from Hell” while there.

    If my trip turns out awful, at least you can tell your friends why it deserves to be ridiculed. If it turns out OK, you can add another to your list of friends that liked Branson.

    If you find out where the outcasts like to hang out, that would be great…

    I do like Richard Branson, so that’s a start.

  3. jason330 says:

    If you get to see very very talented people doing what they were meant to do – it always ends well.

    Granted this was Nashville, so I was not trapped in an entire town full of cornpone, but I am remonded of this post.


  4. Chris says:

    The level of phony elitism being offered is comical. OOohh…the bogeymen that are….main stream America.

  5. jason330 says:

    When it comes to Branson, the elitism is not phoney.

  6. anon says:

    If you hate country music you then hate main stream America. And if you hate main stream America then you hate the flag. And if you hate the flag then you hate the troops. And if you hate the troops then you hate freedom. And if you hate freedom then you love radical Islam.

    Islamofacists bastards!

  7. Rebecca says:

    Actually, I believe they have a Dolly Parton Stampeed there. If you keep an open mind and go with friends this can be a fun night — key words being open mind and friends. You get to eat with your fingers, the food is surprisingly good given that they are cooking thousands of meals, and the baby pigs races are cute. Just don’t think about bacon while they are running. It’s not a night at the Grand with Crosby and Nash but you need to broaden your horizons Geek.

  8. doriangray says:

    There is civilization west of Philadelphia and east of Las Vegas? I wasn’t aware. I heard there was an island called ‘Chicago’ but I have no evidence for this. It isn’t mentioned in the bible.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    Rebecca, I will try to keep an open mind, but country just isn’t my thing. Hopefully I can find a safe vantage point from which to watch.

    Chris, I’m not sure what part of my post is phony elitism. I don’t like the main thing that they sell there. If you didn’t like rap or hip-hop and were going to be in a theme city built around the culture, I bet you’d feel the same way.

    For the record, I don’t gamble, so Vegas has the same effect on me. It’s not just a yokel-aversion.

  10. Dana says:

    For our country music fans, my Friday Country Music Video.

    Mr Gray: There is a rather large question as to whether there is civilization in Philadelphia.

  11. jmk says:

    Hi there,
    I’m glad to see that you’re coming down to Branson! It’s definitely one-of-a-kind vacation destination. I think you’ll be truly surprised when you see all that Branson has to offer. Branson has 52 magnificent live performance theaters, three lakes, 12 championship golf courses, an international award-winning theme park, dozens of attractions and museums, shopping, a full range of dining options, lake-front hotels and lodges. Branson was originally a country music destination but now includes a number of different options for you to choose from. Branson boasts more than 100 live shows featuring pop, rock, jazz, gospel and dazzling Broadway-style performances.
    Enjoy your trip!