Let bygones be bygones

Filed in National by on November 10, 2007

Some say, “Who cares if Cathy Cloutier was a big Bush lover…?”

I care.

So, let’s agree to disagree.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (44)

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  1. anon says:

    The old purple finger. Those were the days.

  2. Dana Garrett says:

    Who says Cloutier was or is a Bush lover?

    But you “care” about something you don’t even know is true because your target (Cloutier)as a Republican is a devil in your politico-theology.

    In that way your bear no difference from a funadamentalist Muslim or Christian who hate and demonizes each other simply each is “other.”

    Your idea that Repubs should have to repudiate Bush to be worthwhile bears no difference to Joe McCarthy’s requirement that people he publicly accused of being Communists had to repudiate the communist Party in order to not justly been labeled as communists.

    That’s who you are: Delaware’s Democratic Joe McCarthy. Congratulations.

    Oh, I didn’t see Bush in the photo.

  3. Dave says:

    Not only that, but I’d wager a bet that Cathy Cloutier is closer to Jason ideologically than Adams, Cook, Venables, McDowell, Marshall, Ennis and DeLuca are.

  4. jason330 says:

    Oh my why would I ever think that Cloutier pictured with the purple finger of vitctory in Iraq was a big Bush lover?…gee let me think.

    Go around defending Republicans all you want. Whatever gets you through the night.


  5. jason330 says:


    I already know that you don’t feel anybody anywhere should ever be held accounatble for the Iraq war and our current national situation.

    We’ve established that time and again. (Funny how when it comes to Delaware you are all about accountability…hmmm…?)

    Anyway, I happen to think that the good foot soldiers in the GOP like you, Castle and Cloutier still need to be called out. I don’t happen to have a column in the Washington Post, so I’ll do it here.

  6. Dave says:

    “I don’t happen to have a column in the Washington Post”

    It’s just a matter of time, man. Just believe in yourself, and you can do anything.

  7. jason330 says:

    Thanks dude. I needed that little hug. Now where was I…?

    Oh yeah. your “good german” routine makes me want to puke.

  8. Dave says:

    Well, your “Cathy Cloutier is responsible for Iraq” reach evokes a similar reflex.

  9. jason330 says:

    If Cathy Cloutier, you and Mike Castle are not responsible for Iraq, who is?

  10. Dana Garrett says:

    “Oh my why would I ever think that Cloutier pictured with the purple finger of vitctory in Iraq was a big Bush lover?…gee let me think.”

    Well, that’s what you get for trying to think. The people in Iraq didn’t wear purple fingers to show support for George Bush but to show that they voted in a free election.

    Given your McCarthyite, fascistic, demonization tactics lately, perhaps you now oppose free election in Iraq. Even the most liberal presidential candidate who wants US troops to be replaced by an international police force wants the system of elections to continue.

    When that election occurred, I was happy for the Iraqi people. I knew it meant squat in terms of the security issues and a concensus govt wouldn’t result given the USA’s heavy-handled role in policy formation for the government.

    But what kind of mean-spirited party dogmatist would spit on the celebration of Iraqis voting and the solidarity others across the world had with them after their election?

    Only you.

  11. anon says:

    The people in Iraq didn’t wear purple fingers to show support for George Bush

    No, but the people in Greenville did.

  12. Delaware Dem says:

    And so did all Republicans in Congress when Bush was giving the State of the Union years ago. But I guess we should be forget that and be nice to the Republicans, like Dana wants us to.

  13. Dave says:

    “If Cathy Cloutier, you and Mike Castle are not responsible for Iraq, who is?”

    All the people who voted to authorize the use of force?

  14. Brian says:

    “The budget should be balanced, the treasury refilled, public debt reduced, the arrogance of officialdom tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt.”
    -Cicero 63 BC

    The vote to use force was explict but its application was overreaching. The only way that war can be declared is by a bicameral vote by a majority of both houses of congress. Outside of this is to step outside the rule of law under the Constitution of the United States. Once you step across this line with this illogical reasoning, then waterboarding becomes a legitimate form of interrogation and not torture, premtive war becomes acceptable, enemy losses become acceptable as long as we win and the more we lose the more vested we become, and the list goes on. Once we get to that point it is difficult to go back. Remember tyranny and overreach are very old forms of government, Europeans love them, American liberty was only a few hundred years old. Everyone sits around with Milton Friedman and the Neo-conservative radicals circle-jerking instead of reading Adam Smith and Lincoln.

  15. I don’t get the gist of the post but Cathy Cloutier is a class act. Personable, honest and caring comes to mind when I think of Cathy.

    She adopted three young children in a few years ago after her husband died and has become a great Mom. When so many of us are selfish with our time and money she is very giving with hers.

  16. Tyler Wrenchler says:

    I wonder how many of those people in that picture or the room that night ever did anything for Iraqi democracy like join up and fight for their conunty? I would say none.

  17. Tyler Wrenchler says:

    Then again, most of them probably thing Iraq was responsible for 9/11 as well.

  18. DUI_Jason says:

    So Jason:
    If the cops didn’t catch you with your DUI, how many people do you think you would have killed that night if you hit someone?

  19. DUI_Jason says:


    The Demcorats in the 19th will love you endorsing Republicans should you choose to run. That is a great way to endear yourself to Democrats in a primary.

  20. Sean Lloyd-Carbon says:

    How many days did Dave Crossan serve in the military to defend Iraqi democracy? So while the working men and women of this great state are serving in the Guard, Dave is running around with him finger covered in purple paint. Real Patriot if you ask me!

  21. Sean Lloyd-Carbon says:


    Do you actually have a job? I mean how hard is it to hold down a simple state job?

  22. Brian says:

    Hey Protack- I saved 5,500 people in during flooding in Asia in 2006, vaccinated another 25,000, lost and buried 547, and gave away donations totaling 50K to help 138,000 people, with a small team mobilized over 200K worth of food, water and clothes from NGO’s with the help of the Army and State Dept. got terribly sick there, had to be flown home, and almost died from lack of medical care and poor insurance at home. I am still quite sick and will probably die from the illness. So please, I hope no you are not lecturing me about serving my nation or promoting true friendship, self-sacrifice, commerce and deomocracy.

  23. Sean Lloyd-Carbon says:

    That is a lot more than FSP ever has done. I guess he ate a donut or two to save the world and is a party hack but not much more.

  24. Dave says:

    Punk, you don’t know what I’ve done. But I will say that’s probably more than most people have done.

    PS — Thanks for the postcard. It’s going in my permanent collection.

  25. Brian says:

    Dave mine or Sean’s? I am not a punk. or a commie though I bet you’ll call me one on the union post I just put up…lol…:)

  26. Sean Lloyd-Carbon says:

    so dave: give us 3 examples of what you have done to make Delaware a better place to live?

  27. Sean Lloyd-Carbon says:

    Serve in the Guard, am a first responder vol. firefighter and am a teacher.

  28. Brian says:

    Hey guys that was 2006-2007- before that I have served the government in various posts for about 10 years, written books and articles on Delaware’s history, economics and development, volunteered and taught my way through college, and now I am telling you the absolute truth and doing my best to save your liberty and defend the Constitution- becuase I have nothing to lose, I have lost it all already, and before I get either progressively more sick or too incpacitated to continue I want to light the flame of liberty in your heart that Cesear Rodney did in your ancestors; so that you and your prosterity can be free forever.

    Dave has done alot of good, and Sean has done alot of good. We all have an infinite capacity for good. Set your eyes on Liberty and do not take them off of it. Promise me that and make me proud of this state.

  29. Dave says:

    Prove it, “Sean”

  30. Brian says:

    You too Dave. Go out and Get the 1812 Overture damn it!!! 🙂

  31. Brian,

    I have no idea what you are talking about. I made a reference about Cathy Cloutier.

    Your post talks about something different. Good luck.

  32. Dana Garrett says:

    “Not only that, but I’d wager a bet that Cathy Cloutier is closer to Jason ideologically than Adams, Cook, Venables, McDowell, Marshall, Ennis and DeLuca are.”

    In fact, she is & that’s a fact.

  33. Dana Garrett says:

    >>“If Cathy Cloutier, you and Mike Castle are not responsible for Iraq, who is?”

    All the people who voted to authorize the use of force?<<

    OOps, Dave, that wasn’t fair of you showing that the Dems who supported this war are just as responsible for it.

  34. Dana Garrett says:

    “Prove it, “Sean”

    LOL!! Checkmating an anonymous “hero.”

  35. Dana Garrett says:

    “No, but the people in Greenville did.”

    Kathy Cloutier doesn’t live in Greenville.

  36. Dana Garrett says:

    “The Demcorats in the 19th will love you endorsing Republicans should you choose to run. That is a great way to endear yourself to Democrats in a primary.”

    I actually think voters would love to hear a candidate say that you should vote for the best person running, the one whose ideas and proposals best represent your interests. That you should put in place people, regardless of party, that realize they are elected to be public servants and not party hacks, that they DESERVE to be governed not by any dominant party but by legislators who want to empower them more and open the doors of THEIR government, people who will make the government work for them and not special interests and that won’t allow political parties to act as special interests in the legislature.

    I recently talked to Daniello on the phone about some matters and he told me that he has been in the Dem House Caucus to talk to them before. I thought I would brown my drawers. Imagine that. You & I couldn’t get in to address them, but he can.

    Yea, I think voters would like to hear from a candidate who says if my party chairman can attend these meetings, then I intend to take a voter from my district to each & every caucus meeting w/ me. If my voter from my district couldn’t stay by rule, then neither would I and I would call a press conference to talk about how the Daniellos & Strines are allowed behind the closed doors in leg hall but the the taxpaying citizens who pay for what goes on behind them are excluded.

    I would set up a website describing in detail all the ways our govt shuts its citizens out. I would talk about the big influences operating in leg hall and party affiliation would mean nothing to me in what I reported.

    As for Dana the Dem, I would take the position I hold now: if we Dems deserve the support of the people and we elected Dems deserve the support of our colleagues, we should never merely assume the support should be ours because of our party affiliation. Instead, we should EARN the support of the people and our colleagues. We should beat the Repubs in this way only: we find better candidates than them and ones who have proposals that will benefit Delawareans far more than anything the repubs offer. Under those conditions, I am fervently partisan.

    That’s because it’s only under those conditions that my partisanship does not pose a contradiction to my FIRST duty as a citizen: viz., acting on the principle that people deserve to live in societies that maximize liberty, equality and human well being to greatest extent possible.

  37. anon says:

    “No, but the people in Greenville did.”

    Kathy Cloutier doesn’t live in Greenville.

    Have you seen the whole DE GOP purple-finger photo series?

  38. Jesus. I certainly wanted the best for the Iraqi people, but there is no denying that the purple finger-waving in Greenville was exploitation politics.

    Repbulicans are accountable for the bloody deaths and maimings of countless innocents because Bush started us on this path and did virtually everything he could do to ensure that the violence continue for decades.

    The only thing that makes sense out of that to me is that GOPers think that they know that they will get elected in wartime.

  39. Brian says:

    Thank you, we got into a mess with foreign entanglements, we should just walk out.

  40. Comment on Eschaton just now

    “via juan cole:

    It is worth reprinting today Michael Munk’s recent email:

    ‘ US military occupation forces in Iraq suffered at least 178 combat casulties in the six days ending Nov. 6, as total casualties reached at least 61,596. The total includes 31,596 killed or wounded by what the Pentagon classifies as “hostile” causes and 30,294 (as of Oct. 1) dead and injured from “non-hostile” causes.

    US media divert attention from the actual cost in American life and limb by routinely reporting only the total killed (3,855 as of Nov. 6) and rarely mentioning the 28,451 wounded in combat. To further minimize public perception of the cost, they cover for the Pentagon by ignoring the 30,294 (as of Oct. 1) military victims of accidents and illness serious enough to require medical evacuation, although the 3,855 reported deaths include 710 (up one since Oct. 31) who died from those same causes, including 130 suicides. ‘

  41. Comment on Eschaton just now

    “via juan cole:

    It is worth reprinting today Michael Munk’s recent email:

    ‘ US military occupation forces in Iraq suffered at least 178 combat casulties in the six days ending Nov. 6, as total casualties reached at least 61,596. The total includes 31,596 killed or wounded by what the Pentagon classifies as “hostile” causes and 30,294 (as of Oct. 1) dead and injured from “non-hostile” causes.

    US media divert attention from the actual cost in American life and limb by routinely reporting only the total killed (3,855 as of Nov. 6) and rarely mentioning the 28,451 wounded in combat. To further minimize public perception of the cost, they cover for the Pentagon by ignoring the 30,294 (as of Oct. 1) military victims of accidents and illness serious enough to require medical evacuation, although the 3,855 reported deaths include 710 (up one since Oct. 31) who died from those same causes, including 130 suicides. ‘

  42. Dana Garrett says:

    “Have you seen the whole DE GOP purple-finger photo series?”

    How many of the people in that photo do you think are wealthier than Jack Markell? Probably none.

    I don’t think, therefore, that Jack Markell supports the war, the patriot act, etc., etc.

    Sorry, there just are no shortcuts to RESPONSIBLE criticism of people’s views, including ASSUMING that their party label means they agree in toto w/ the president of the US.

  43. jason330 says:

    I don’t have a problem making that assumption given the photographic evidence. I know you are very eager to let bygones be bygones but again, let’s agree to disagree… shall we?