VOTE GOP or Super Scary Islamy-Terror Guys Are Gonna Git Ya!!

Filed in National by on November 13, 2007

This happens to be from Tom Tancredo, but all the Republicans running want you to be scared shitless. It is all they’ve got.


About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. disbelief says:

    I’m amazed there are still sections of our country that fall for the fear pandering. Luckily, Delaware has pretty much figured out not to elect morons who are scared to look under their beds while remaining blissfully ignorant of their credit card balances.*

    *This statement is based on the fact that the past two elections and last special election has ‘put paid’ to GOP fear-mongering and pointless pandering by summarily ejecting these incompetent rabble-rousers.

  2. Von Cracker says:

    When a party runs on the platform that government, itself, is the problem, and no rational person believes their rhetoric anymore, it’s all they got – A foreign version of the Southern Strategy.

  3. Brian says:

    Thank you, Thank you. Limited Government and local economics have saved the liberty of the State and Republic many many hundreds of times. By limited government I do not mean a limit of humanitarian assistance, I mean a limit on what any single person in government can do to you and your liberty. Your liberty, development and growth should be the only goal worthy of a free government. That was the platform that FDR liked so much, but to get back to that, we need to make some structural changes…unless they are made then be it dems or repubs you get the same thing.

  4. Von Cracker says:

    That’s why the old dems need to go.

    I like what I see out of many of the liberal 30-somethings recently elected to congress – they actually get it.

  5. Brian says:

    Let’s pray that that continues.

  6. Brian says:

    In Delaware, we were the first state the sign the Constitution, we should live it more fully, we started our own rennisance of sorts and our industries and local econopmies budded out and flourished all over this nation and the world without “free trade” agreements, and all that other mess. We did it through will power and out of Adam Smith’s cooperative associations like the Quakers in Wilmington and the Presbyterians in Lewes and Methodists all over…each family held itself together through extended networks and built itself up this way through mutual aid and assisatnce. It gave us all the resources we needed to preserve the liberty of this country and this state for 230 years. It is was investment in local commmunites by business people and work and assistance from everybody who cared about the community that made it so spectacular for a long time.

  7. Brian says:

    God I need to learn how to spell. 🙂