One more reason not to by a Ford

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 15, 2007

David G. Leitch, a Gonzales friend and general counsel at the Ford Motor Co., wrote in an e-mail solicitation to potential contributors last month that Gonzales is “innocent of any wrongdoing” but does not have the means to pay for his legal defense after a career spent mostly in public service.

“In the hyper-politicized atmosphere that has descended on Washington, an innocent man cannot simply trust that the truth will out,” Leitch wrote. “He must engage highly competent legal counsel to represent him. That costs money, money that Al Gonzales doesn’t have.”

One more reason to buy a foreign car. How disgusting.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dana says:

    Proud owner of a 2000 F-150, still in great shape after 168,000 hard miles.

  2. donviti says:

    count your blessings. Ford obviously fucked up somewhere

  3. ANNON II says:

    This is the kinda shit that happens when the ‘new rich’ take over for the old money…

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Gonzo deserves the best public defender he can get.