Delaware Liberal

Univeristy of Iran…Er I mean University of Maryland in Iran?

h/t to suburban guerrilla

UM is the primary university providing classes for U.S. service members abroad.

a Europe-wide faculty meeting at our headquarters in Heidelberg, Germany. At that meeting, we were told that the U of MD military education contracts will be expanding soon to Iraq, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Djibouti, and other locations in the Middle East and Africa. This comes as no surprise.

“What is startling is that the U.S. military has also asked us to prepare a bid for educational programs in IRAN and SYRIA (and, oddly enough, France — where we have had no presence since NATO was expelled in 1967 — probably a function of the new conservative government there). We will be bidding on an education contract to these locations at the end of November.

hmmmmm, no why would we need that in Iran, especially if we don’t have a base there?

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