Want to feel old?

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 15, 2007

Starting in January kids born in 1990 will be eligible for a credit card, oh and to serve their country.  But more important is the credit card thing I’m sure

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hiding in the open

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  1. anon says:

    Wanna freak out a middle-aged Bush conservative?

    Just say “Gee, your little girl is really growing up! She’ll be eligible to enlist in what – four, five more years? You’ll be so proud! “

  2. Brian says:

    Well, she’ll be able to enlist for the next 25-50 years at a minimum.

  3. Dana says:

    Given that my older daughter won a Naval ROTC scholarship, and I’m very proud of her, no, that doesn’t freak out this 54-year-old conservative who voted for George H W Bush twice, George W Bush twice, and would do so again were he eligible to run again.

    My older daughter is already getting the credit card a week offers; she tears them up.

  4. ANNON II says:


  5. ANNON II says:

    Warn the young ones misuse of the credit card can result in economic prison w/an indefinite sentence and maybe even life sentence.

    Treat those ‘offers’ like you would any other pusher trying to get you hooked. Shylocks all!!!