And they couldn’t catch him sooner because

Filed in National by on November 16, 2007

better late than never, but why in the hell did it take so long to get this piece of garbage?

Barry Bonds finally gets caught and I for one will dance on his grave. I hope his balls are shriveled and his pecker falls off in the next 3 to 5 years. Can you imagine a 12 year old looking up to him? I remember idolizing Michael Jack. Wagging his fanny before every pitch. That guy was the shit. He fielded bair  bare-handed on the hot corner, had a gun for an arm, he had the coolest moustache a man could want and he had red hair. As a 10 year old kid he was someone to look up to.

Now we have AI, Barry Bonds, Pacman, Vick…how sad we have become.

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hiding in the open

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  1. Brian says:

    Sports are the opiate of the people.

    “Bread and circuses to keep them amused…” Nero

  2. donviti says:

    I couldn’t agree more brian

  3. Joe M says:

    Don’t you be talkin’ no smack about Pacman. If it wasn’t for his appetite, the world would be lousy with ghosts.

  4. Brian says:

    If you think Barry Bonds is a story somebody better read this and make sure I am reading it correctly…..

  5. Read Scott says:

    Thank God, this sorry excuse for an athletic has been caught. I couldn’t help but laugh when the smile was wiped off his smug little mouth.
