Del State: Not Ready For The Bigs

Filed in National by on November 23, 2007

They got stomped. All my hopes for a great game were dashed in the first few minutes. BUT…

I did get to hang with some Delawareliberal peeps like everyone’s favorite Republican Tyler P. Nixon. Meeting commenter and future DL contributor Dorian Gray was cool. (BTW – prior to meeting Dorian Gray I thought that having a flask of bourbon was a silly affectation. Was I ever wrong. That sip of Knob Creek hit the spot. Thanks DG. Like I needed another vice. )

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (12)

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  1. Tyler Nixon says:

    Great to finally meet you, Jason. It was a good time, even though the game was a total blowout.

    After I left you guys I had to laugh to myself when I ran into Carper and Castle walking around together. Ahhh, the Delaware Way.

  2. smyrnadudette says:

    Pay up Dis!!!!!

  3. disbelief says:

    I hear ya’. Don’t want my legs broken by the Smyrna Mafia (no offense, donviti).

  4. Von Cracker says:

    Dorian will get you to accept things you never thought you would, Jason! He’s a very persuasive fella..

    Good to see my alma mater put on the beat-down, but benevolent enough to take the foot off the neck in the second half. If it were anyone else, Keeler would’ve gone Belichick on their ass!

  5. Von Cracker says:

    Oh yeah, did anyone catch the ESPN interview with Tubby towards the end of the game?

    The little hottie asked Tubby why the two teams never played. His first response was classic! To paraphrase: “Maybe it’s because of what we’re seeing here today…..”

    I bet he was pissed about all the racial stuff being part of the reason…

  6. Fuck that. Cops lined up against the Del State side only.
    Intimidation. Did it affect the players?

  7. jason330 says:

    Please Nancy. I noticed no such police presence. Some racists behind me wanted to make some kind of race issue out of every play – but in the end race didn’t mater.

  8. Jason, did you read Ron Williams today? He said as much.

    I know that you never read DE Way, but my blog on Ron’s column reflects outrage from his description of where the cops were stationed.

  9. kavips says:

    Before we get carried away, let’s pause to consider that two teams from the second smallest state in the Union, actually made it into the playoffs…….

    How may other states have 66.6% of their teams make the playoffs?*

    *Wilmington College is now titled Wilmington University, kicking us out of the hundred percent range…..

    Del State should be quite proud…..Had Delaware played like they played against Villinova, the game could have been exciting and close….

  10. jason330 says:

    I honestly didn’t see that many cops. I didn’t see any for that matter, but I wasn’t looking for cops.

    And I’m going to be reading Delaware way. I mean to but I’m lazy.

    Kavips –

    Great Point. Texas here we come.

  11. Any given Sunday.

    The Newark Post’s editor actually wrote that the UD Blue Hens deliberately flubbed it’s last two games to avoid potentially playing Del State.

    Them’s some inflamatory words for ya.

  12. donviti says:

    can’t resist joke
