Atkins to Run as A Dem

Filed in National by on November 26, 2007

The pink post card guy said it, but that dope is easy to laugh off. Now it is coming in from multiple sources that Thurman Adams is working on getting John Atkins to run as a Democrat for his old seat.

What a disaster.

It seems the SC Dems have a rump organization that exists to provide cover for whatever Adams wants to happen, so the party will have little say in what Adams decides to do. Not that some in the party would try to derail an Atkins run.

In-fact, Atkins is getting some support within the party from Bob Gilligan. Who knows what Adams motives are for wanting Atkins back, but Gilligan is playing his part out of naked ambition. Gilligan wants to be speaker and appears to be willing to pay a very high price to make that happen.

This is just a sickening turn of events.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (18)

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I hereby vow to drive my ass down to Sussex and work with Burris to beat Atkins. Who’s with me?

  2. Steve Newton says:

    If I can drive my own ass and not yours, I’m in.

  3. disbelief says:

    I think its more entertaining than the Eagles game.

  4. jason330 says:

    Atkins is the unkillable vampire of Delaware poltics.

  5. anon says:

    I am not enthused about the idea of working to maintain a Republican-controlled House just because the Democrats-in-waiting suck so much.

    The issue is Gilligan, not Atkins. Let Sussex have Atkins if they want him so bad. Save your gas money and work against Gilligan.

  6. jason330 says:

    I am not enthused about the idea of working to maintain a Republican-controlled House just because the Democrats-in-waiting suck so much.

    As a dyed in the wool party hack, I disagree when it comes to Atkins. If he gets in as a Dem we will all regret having worked hard enough to prevent it. Our regret will continue for decades.

    Beyond the drunk driving wife beating crap he is just a bad guy. I think back to the letter he signed off on advocating for Christian prayer as the official prayer for the IR school district.

    What is the point of having a Dem legislature when you have “Dems” like Atkins.

    Gilligan, Adams, Atkins – they all need to be stopped.

  7. RickJ says:

    I think we can all agree that there are a lot of bad Democrats that we should work hard to throw out of office.


  8. M. Opaliski says:

    Is this after reapportionment in 2012, or is Atkins moving a few miles north, then waiting a year to qualify for the 19th ?

    Click Me

  9. No one really needs more examples to know how screwed up Adams is, but here we have it.

    Can there be a better way to get a foot on Gilligan’s neck, though, than this turn of events?

    Kilroy has an outline of all of those likely to topple him, Dunn and Garrett among them.

  10. This might take the heat off of Protack-as-PPCer since I don’t see him as this much of an insider. More likely it is Atkins himself who authors them.

  11. jason330 says:


    The 41st is his old seat. Where he lives and all.

  12. M. Opaliski says:

    Yeah, I was reading that as Adams’ old seat, a pre-senior moment …

  13. Dana Garrett says:

    Atkins has not hears a peep from Adams. I know who he has talked to but cannot say, and it’s not Adams. Since I must keep his confidence, he would have nothing to lose by telling me has talked to Adams. He told me he didn’t.

  14. kavips says:

    According to Burris, Atkins is no longer “a decent Republican.” According to LG and Jason330, Atkins can and will not be “a future Democrat.”

    But according to his own reputation, Atkins is a drunkard, thereby “making him a citizen of the world…”

    Heaven help the political party that takes him on.

  15. You are welcome to him, my Democrat friends.

  16. Dave says:

    k – You quote me. Did I actually say that? I’m sure I would have used stronger language.

  17. kavips says:

    You did, on occasion use language that was stronger….However at the time of the incident you seemed to possess amazing amounts of restraint………

  18. If Atkins runs he will be a stong contender.