Which group represents your America?

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 27, 2007

you have to admit when you walk around the office you see some black people and even women these days.  Maybe not as many as you’d like but they are there.

Yet when you look at the faces of the GOP which one of them to you screams equality?  Which one wants to help you?  Which one wants to make America better?  Who wants to make sure that we are loved globally again.  Which one can get it done?  Which one will unite the country?  Who will not elect cronies? Who spread the wealth?



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hiding in the open

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  1. kip says:

    Unfortunately, the ones who could probably do the best job probably don’t have a chance of winning. Biden, Dodd, and Richardson, in that order, would be the best choices. For the GOP, the only one would be grandpa McCain.

  2. Tyler Nixon says:

    Odd comment perhaps,but why are the pictures of Paul and Kucinich (especially Paul’s) so much smaller than the rest which are tightly cropped to the candidate’s faces?

    (The rest are all pretty bad, if not depressing to look at).

  3. anon says:

    Because Paul and Kucinich are the most elfin. Looks “to scale” to me.

  4. Dana says:

    Our esteemed host asked:

    Yet when you look at the faces of the GOP which one of them to you screams equality?

    I don’t want them to scream equality; I want them to scream exceptionalism and achievement — and reward for achievement.

    Which one wants to help you?

    I don’t want someone who wants to help me. I want someone who wants to make this country a better place for all of us, as Americans, not as members of some demographic or interest group.

    Which one wants to make America better?

    They all do; they just have different ideas on how to do that and what constitutes a better America.

    Who wants to make sure that we are loved globally again. Which one can get it done?

    The man who wants to make America “loved” again is automatically unqualified to be president. We don’t need to be loved, and never will be. Even when we spilled our blood and treasure to keep the French from having to speak German, the French didn’t love us — and never would.

    Our foreign policy should be based on one thing and one thing only: what is in the best interests of the United States. If other countries don’t like that, tough.

    Which one will unite the country?

    None of them will, because none of them can.

    Who will not elect cronies? Who spread the wealth?

    I don’t want a president to “spread the wealth,” if that means some sort of government redistribution of wealth. I want a government which allows people to become wealthy if they can, to retain what they do earn, and to let the people who are too lazy to work to live in squalor.

  5. Von Cracker says:

    This has been another episode of “Distinction without Difference”! Brought to you by TeXXon!

    TeXXon: “We’ll own everything, so you won’t have to!”

  6. Tyler Nixon says:

    Life goes on….and TeXXon is there.

  7. Von Cracker says:

    “Better Life Through Complicity!”

  8. me says:

    dana … you better watch it … you make the most sense out of anyone i’ve ever read posting on these idiotic blogs….you are a dichotomy, not sure if you know that …

    donviti you have a customer at your counter… you obviously work at the DMV or some other ridiculous civil service job …

  9. Von Cracker says:

    Making fun of civil service workers, huh? Sounds like you’re an elitist prick to me, which, inherently, are people who live in an isolated little world…far, far from reality.

  10. Dana says:

    Me: Then you should be reading my blog, Common Sense Political Thought, every day! 🙂

  11. Dana says:

    Von Cracker: Here in the Keystone State, car registrations have been privatized, and notaries public perform the service — and it is done efficiently. The local Departments of Motor Vehicles were left with driver’s licenses to handle; the local ones with which I’ve dealt have been OK, but when we’ve had a problem requiring the state DMV, it was back to dealing with morons.

    Of course, in Virginia, the entire DMV is used as an Affirmative Action program for special education students.

  12. ANNON II says:


    RE: “Odd comment perhaps,but why are the pictures of Paul and Kucinich (especially Paul’s) so much smaller than the rest which are tightly cropped to the candidate’s faces?”

    It’s well know in PR circles the tighter the head shot the more honest the person appears…check it out in mags, etc.

  13. liberalgeek says:

    Dana, the PA system is rife with problems. When you go to get inspected, how often does the garage find something that needs “fixing” so that you can pass? The DMV inspectors are not paying for their kids college by finding things that need “fixing”.

    Perhaps you like the fleecing that some inspection garages have been known to inflict on little old ladies.

  14. Von Cracker says:

    Me’s rant isn’t about DMV workers; its sole purpose was to make Me feel better about himself by creating a strawman and knocking it down. Kinda like a child picking on a freckled kid because the former has a bed-wetting problem.

    BTW – I’ve dealt with PA Registration system through previous employment. Man, what a racket for mechanics!

  15. G Rex says:

    Why does the picture of Hillary look more like Elizabeth Dole?

  16. liberalgeek says:

    And why does Tommy Thompson look like “Mr. Turkeyneck”?

  17. Dana says:

    Mr von Cracker: You do not have to have your vehicle inspected to register it; you have to have it inspected to drive it on the public streets. The notaries public have nothing to do with that.

    Delaware is the only state in which I’ve ever lived in which the DMV did the inspections; every place else it was handled by private garages.

  18. jason330 says:

    Thanks ANON II,

    I was wondering why I found Duncan Hunter so trustworthy.

  19. Von Cracker says:

    It’s not Mr., it’s His Royal Majesty or HRM for short! 😉

    Really don’t care about the inspection process in any state – just saying the process in PA is open to shenanigans by those garages…

  20. G Rex says:

    Mr. Turkeyneck! Nice one, Geek.

  21. donviti says:

    funny me mocks a civil servant when she too works for the government.

  22. Brian says:

    Me, just keep isolating yourself and alienating the world from you. It is not helpful, if you want to help, add some constructive thoughts to the discourse. Or is it that becuase these guys are liberals they do not deserve the benefit of your good ideas. I have not seen a single good idea proposed by you, but I have seen many aspersions and libels thrown out there. So bring it on…these guys and gals are just going to make fun of you. If you have good ideas, on the other hand, offer them to us. We would all benefit from your ideas.

  23. r smitty says:

    That particular picture of Ron Paul reminds me of the judge (Len???) from Dancing with the Stars…not that I watch that or anything…um…gotta go…do the laundry! Yeah! um…not that I do that sort of…

  24. anon says:

    Marie Osmond shamed all of Utah last night.

  25. Al Mascitti says:

    Dana Pico must be a real handjob to think the Pa. car inspection system is superior to Delaware’s. You’ve never lived anywhere where government could actually do a job correctly? No wonder you’re a conservative. And you’ve made the typical conservative mistake of thinking that your miserable experience is the only type out there.

  26. Me says:

    oh bryan, i’m SO worried and upset that someone might make fun of me… guess what, hon i have too much of my shit together to even give the first or LAST crap about that…. it WAS initially my looks that drew my HUNK of a husband (Navy SEAL – bravest of the brave) to me but it’s been my intellect, humor and perspicacity that’s kept him here, begging for more! so read it and weep, then make fun of me like i care… and for the love of all von crackers, do you think i am THE FIRST person to belittle civil servants? for god’s sake, that’s why they get hired, so they don’t have to work! i’ve got to go give dana garrett another chance, i think i may have been too rash … now THERE is a liberal i can respect, not some LOSER E-nothing who pimps his wife out then blames her when her tits sag …

  27. Me says:

    btw brian i don’t want to help … just exercising a certain constitutional right i have just like the rest of you … i have enough posts out there to know i’m your polar opposite so just fill in the blanks … guns, check … abortion negative … war, love it … etc etc ad nauseum

  28. Me says:

    my apologies to dana garrett…

    and dana pico am adding you as my daily read…

  29. Brian says:

    “i’m your polar opposite so just fill in the blanks … guns, check … abortion negative … war, love it … etc etc ad nauseum”

    Hey Me, With the exception of war not declared by congress we probably would not be polar opposites, and I am glad you are exercising your right. I was hoping we would find some solutions to problems here in Delaware…and still welcome your ideas.

  30. Dana says:

    Your Royal Majesty, I had no idea! You should have let us know about your title previously. I most humbly apologize for the lapse.

  31. disbelief says:

    I love the argument that exercising one’s constitutional rights somehow lends credibility to brainless babbling. Its like the granola-head argument that “It’s natural, dude” somehow makes a product better for you, until someone points out that botulism is also a natural product.

  32. Dana says:

    Mr Mascitti: It has occurred to me that Delaware is able to do the inspections at the DMV because the state is so small; not sure how well it would work in Pennsylvania or Virginia or any of the other states in which inspections are privatized.

    In the two years in which I lived in Delaware, my vehicles always passed inspection first time around; just what happens if you go for an inspection in Delaware and your vehicle doesn’t pass? Do you then have to go to a garage, get it fixed, and then go back to DMV?

    I’ve never had a problem in Pennsylvania, but, then again, I take care of the inspection items before they become problems.

  33. Tyler Nixon says:

    I have dealt with Delaware DMV a lot more times than the average car owner, over most of the last 20 years. For a couple of years I also dealt with VA DMV while in law school.

    I can confidently say that DE DMV has improved by leaps and bounds to become probably the best run agency in the state. They are now efficient, consistent, and predictable. Their practices (and inspections) are uniform. Their personnel are on the whole courteous and helpful.

    Conversely, in VA the DMV are efficient…like nazi efficient. They vigorously and aggressively nail you for any points on your license (which are easy to accumulate with the way VA county mounties do nothing but run predatory speed traps 24/7). Their “inspection” system is, like PA, run by garages which means a sticker can be “bought” or obtained from a buddy with a mechanic’s shop. A lot of shops use it as a way to sucker people into unnecessary repairs. The result is a lot of not-roadworthy cars passing “inspection” and a lot of roadworthy car owners getting fleeced. The bureaucracy is pretty heavy-handed all around.

    In Delaware the inspection may require sitting through a lane for a while, but you don’t have to leave your car with anyone and no one gets a free pass if their car is belching out bad emissions or is unsafe.

    Anyway, I have plenty of beefs with government agencies in Delaware but DMV definitely gets my highest marks. It is true we are lucky to have a small state that allows for a consistent DMV system.

  34. Dana Pico must be a real handjob to think the Pa. car inspection system is superior to Delaware’s.
    I know of many folks in PA who buy their way through an inspection. Bribery and graft are an integral part of the PA system and as a result they have more pollution and more potential safety problems.

  35. Brian says:


    I agree, we are lucky to have such a courteous and efficent DMV in Delaware and I hope we keep up the work to make it better and encourage those doing the work to keep it as customer friendly as it is. They are much better then other states.

  36. The ones that really wants to make the difference, the ones that really care, the ones that really want to work and not just take a free ride are the ones dont get a support from the political parties.

    Its about what they can do and get for themselves.

  37. donviti says:


    new hottest commenter award!!!


    I’ll send you an autographed picture with my number on it. You don’t know how lucky you are!

    oh and thanks for visiting and commenting

    great points.

  38. Brian says:

    I agree with Don, great comments.

  39. donviti says:


    you are just nosing in on my action! beat it!

  40. Brian says:

    …lol….not nosing in, I actually enjoyed the comments….thanks for giving me a good laugh for the day! I still see the hand puppet in your soul Don V…go for it…