Lofink could not be reached. Why?

Filed in National by on December 3, 2007

I was rereading the original NJ story in order to quantify what a suck ass reporter Chris Barrish is and I got stuck on this sentence.

Lofink, who left his state job Oct. 23, could not be reached.

What? Why? Can’t he be reached. Should Barrish just turn in his steno pad right now? What a weak ass piece of shit.

That was my first reaction. Then it occurred to me that October was when I first heard about all of this. So what if Lofink is in custody? That would mean that he is being held without being charged which (as far as I know) is unconstitutional.

Of course, Lofink being well connected, the arresting authorities could have cut a deal to keep him and not to charge him. That is exactly what a well connected guy would do if he wanted to keep something out of the papers and protect the family name.

So where’s Lofink?

Chris Barrish find him and restore your good name.



I found this recent picture to help get you started.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Outside the Perimeter: B4 Election Version « kavips | December 4, 2007
  1. disbelief says:

    Chris Barrish hell. The guy we live and look up to for validation of the worth of our lives is Dave Burris. What does Dave think about the mysterious disappearance of Lofink Jr. Is he “on the lam”? Has he taken ill gotten gains and fled to the third world country of Sussex “If you can stand on it, we’ll develope it” County?

  2. jason330 says:

    You’d think someone would know where he is. In all seriosness, all that money would seem to makehim a “flight risk.”

  3. donviti says:

    rumor has it the NJ called him collect and he didn’t accept the charges.

    the recession is taking its toll on thier reporting.

  4. cassandra m says:

    The kid is probably hiding in plain sight at some Grotto Pizza location…

  5. RickJ says:

    Do you have any idea how easy it is not to be reached by a reporter?

    Barrish: Hi, this is Cris Barrish from the News Journal, is Mr. Lofink in?

    Lofink: Nope.

  6. anon says:

    I’m guessing Lofink’s lawyer simply told him not to talk to the press. No other explanation needed. But there is clearly more to the story, judging by the writing which was tap-dancing around something.

  7. anon says:

    I saw him today picking his old man up from the tanning salon.

  8. I will guess Chris Barrish will be submitting more reports, don’t fret.

    If he goes after the long line of nepotism in Delaware, he will have to post many many reports.