Mormonism’s role in these final days is to lure otherwise viable souls to Hell.

Filed in National by on December 7, 2007

A rather good essay about Romney’s doomed campaign.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. kavips says:

    My name is Mitt Rom-e-ney
    I stand fo’ pure ha’-mo-ny
    Don’t vote for Oba-ma-ny
    It might lead to Mus-lem Saddam-a-ny

    Used to be a gov-e-nor
    Now act like a South-e-nor
    All faiths are my broth-e-nors,
    Don’t want no gay hug-a-nors.

    Got me a big fam-i-lee
    Always on da cam-paign wi’ me
    Help’in out doz Iowan-s fo’ me,
    Who are oversea’s a dyin’ fo’ me.

    Will spend yo money on da milita-wy
    Always that’ll be da thrill fo’ me.
    Makin’ bombs that a go’na kill fo’ me..
    Best investment one can make yo’ see…

    Will cut back on discretion-a-ries
    To dis Dem revo-lution-a-ries,
    Who sponsor Dem nutty lib-ral the’-ries
    That steal mo-ney from Corp dig’-na-taries

    So put yo’ money in my han’,
    I’ll make yo rich beyond deman’
    Don’t hold my faith against me man,
    I can’t help I was born a Mor–man….

    Sorry, someone dared me to take Mitts speech and run it through the Randy Singer SNL songwriting program…..

    It’s not good, but neither was it bad enough to delete.


  2. ANNON II says:

    “Got me a big fam-i-lee
    Always on da cam-paign wi’ me
    Help’in out doz Iowan-s fo’ me,
    Who are oversea’s a dyin’ fo’ me.”

    Not one of his five sons in uniform? Last I checked being a Morman is not like being a Quaker.

    New camppaign solgan: Mitt Quit!!!!

  3. liberalgeek says:

    A portion of the speech in jive:

    If ah’ am fo’tunate t’become yo’ super-dude, ah’ gots’ta serve no one religion, no one group, no one cause and no one interest. Man! A super-dude gots’ta serve only de common cause uh de sucka’s uh de United States.

  4. kavips says:

    Not bad. I like the “Mr. T” flourish at the end.

  5. anon says:

    What’s all this I hear about Mitt Romney being a Merman?