Happy Human rights day

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 10, 2007

“Human Rights day is celebrated to promote the universal human right: to live and to do so peacefully. Some of the world’s occupants have this right suppressed [e.g. the right to equality]. This day was declared to raise awareness of our rights, and of those who are deprived of these rights.”

Are we Americans living up to our self image as a beacon of freedom and humanity in a troubled world? Do we model the Christian virtues of peace, justice and compasion that we brag about so loudly?


Amusing isn’t it?


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hiding in the open

Comments (9)

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  1. Mat Marshall says:

    Children laughing, people passing
    Meeting smile after smile

  2. DV thanks for posting this. These are the pictures Americans should be seeing daily. This is the side of death and gruesome reality we have traded for oil.

  3. anon. says:

    Who cares they chop off our heads, and hang our burnt bodies from bridges.

  4. anon. says:

    Who cares they chop off our heads, and hang our burnt bodies from bridges. If I had the choice I’d rather have a cut on my leg and stripped down naked anyday.

  5. Mat Marshall says:

    We are not them — the actions of others do not justify human rights violations.

  6. disbelief says:

    There must be more than one ‘anon.’ (with the period). One of them keeps beating me to the clever lines. This one is a torture supporting moron. I believe the two are mutually exclusive.

  7. donviti says:

    more stifling!

  8. liberalgeek says:

    They are one in the same, and I think I know who it is. No clues from me, though.

  9. ANNON II says:

    Thanks again Mr. Don Shock ‘n Awe….we need to be reminded.

    I’m w/Mat(5) & Nancy(2). I am a naturalized American and the thought that I would have to put my head down in shame NEVER crossed my mind.