Silent Auction Items Needed – See below

Filed in National by on December 10, 2007

Celebrate The Season! with

Republican State Committee Headquarters


3301 Lancaster Pike Suite 4B

Wilmington, DE 19805


Thursday, December 13, 2007 5:30p.m.

The College Republicans will have a silent auction– if you would like to donate an item to the auction, please contact Priscilla,
So let’s think up some fitting items. I’ll start…
1) What’s left of Mike Castle’s integrity. Yes it is in shreds but should still be worht six or seven bucks to someone.
2) A map to Lofink’s hideout. I can think of a NJ reporter (yes I’m looking at you Chris Barrish you fraud) who might bid on that.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (63)

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  1. donviti says:

    a copy of the constitution

  2. donviti says:

    a golden drawer with a bunch of bills stuffed in

  3. donviti says:

    get out of jail free card

  4. anon says:

    A lunch date with Ferris Wharton’s passenger

  5. disbelief says:

    John Carney’s Dem nomination to run against him.

  6. cassandra m says:

    Week-long stay at Gitmo — all inclusive of being test subject for waterboarding practice.

  7. anon says:

    A pair of Tom Wagner’s suspenders (especially useful for hooking your thumbs in when you are “miffed.”)

  8. Dorian Gray says:

    Do-it-yourself home waterboarding kit.

  9. disbelief says:

    The secret chalice where Lord Voldestrine keeps his soul.

  10. liberalgeek says:

    One 14 year old Boy Scout.

  11. disbelief says:

    The legendary prohpecy of who will be the next GOP State Chair, Harry Protack or Slytherin Burris.

  12. disbelief says:

    I can’t imagine this going on much longer before Jason gets an irate phone call from the GOP HQ.

  13. disbelief says:

    An autographed sanitary toilet seat cover personally used by Larry Craig with more stains than a Monica Lewinsky dress.

  14. liberalgeek says:

    The complete set of pink postcards (suitable for framing).

  15. liberalgeek says:

    Ownership of a dozen frozen embryos labeled “For Research”

  16. disbelief says:

    A State check drawn on someone else’s escheat account.

  17. cassandra m says:

    One Do-It-Yourself Sue a Blogger Kit. Includes the requisite Standards of Evidence for Dummies book.

  18. liberalgeek says:

    New Years Eve limo service provided by John Atkins from Seacrets to your home.

  19. disbelief says:

    10 percentage points in any General Assembly election.

  20. disbelief says:

    I have to go before I get in trouble. I’m actually crying I’m laughing so hard.

  21. liberalgeek says:

    Mike Protack’s wireless ESSID and encryption key.

  22. anon says:

    Mike Protack’s wireless ESSID and encryption key.

    It’s “linksys”

  23. cassandra m says:

    For your pet — a day-long ride along with Mitt Romney and family. Your pet riding inside the car with Mitt is the next auction item.

  24. anon says:

    A free night’s babysitting from “See-No-Evil Child Care Services.”

  25. jason330 says:

    A dog. (suitable for companionship or drowning)

  26. anon says:

    Assorted zoning variances.

  27. disbelief says:

    A Delaware Senate Tribute to John Still, not signed by anyone.

  28. cassandra m says:

    David Vitter’s Little Black Book. Good for dates in DC and New Orleans.

    Get your own “props”.

  29. liberalgeek says:

    A State Department job in Iraq.

  30. liberalgeek says:

    Pulp Fiction meets Gitmo:

    15 minutes in a room with a tied up al Qaeda suspect. No cameras, no witnesses armed only with a pair of pliers and a blowtorch.

  31. jason330 says:

    Someone to run against Joe Biden.

  32. liberalgeek says:

    A Mike Protack push poll recorded on your home answering machine.

  33. disbelief says:

    An Easy-to-Learnt CD collection of “You to can do ‘Sipherin’ and ‘Rithmatic” by Richard Cordry with commentary by the Honorable Tom Wagner.

  34. anon says:

    One free blog writeup on DelawareWatch touting you as a “progressive Republican.”

  35. disbelief says:

    The Official GOP dart-board, with a picture of Minner on one side, and a picture of Protack on the other (the one with the smaller mustache is Protack)

  36. jason330 says:

    34 & 35 bravo !

  37. disbelief says:

    Print-your-own absentee ballots pre-signed by registered (but dead) voters.

  38. jason330 says:

    Celia Cohen backrubs (“happy ending” add $25.00)

  39. jason330 says:

    Candies and flowers left over from our glorious “welcome” from the long suffering Iraqi people.

  40. anon says:

    Solvent to remove purple dye from finger.

  41. disbelief says:

    Have you forwarded this thread to Priscilla at the Young Thugrublicans yet?

  42. disbelief says:

    Do-it-yourself overtime sheets for State employees.

  43. disbelief Says:
    December 10, 2007 at 2:08 pm
    The Official GOP dart-board, with a picture of Minner on one side, and a picture of Protack on the other (the one with the smaller mustache is Protack)

    Thanks, I enjoyed that one.


  44. cassandra m says:

    A personal consultation with Wilmington City Councilman Mike Brown guaranteed to leave you with the latest fashion tips to achieve the absolute latest in repub sartorial splendor.

  45. cassandra m says:

    And Donviti is not allowed to bid on #44 — the world is simply not ready.

  46. anon says:

    The key to Christine O’Donnell’s chastity belt.

  47. donviti says:

    bottle of wine, chauffer and a hand written letter of repute by Dave Burris

  48. jason330 says:

    A gift certificate good for one helicopter ride between Beebe Medical Center and Christiana Hopsital. (with ventilator add $50.00)

  49. donviti says:

    A wind power special from Delmarva CEO

  50. cassandra m says:

    Bravo, Donviti! (#50)

  51. Von Cracker says:

    5 free massage sessions with Jeff Gannon.

  52. cassandra m says:

    A photoshopped picture of St. Ronnie on the face of Mt. Rushmore.

    We’ve decided that offering the opportunity to haul up that mountain enough silly putty to do it yourself is beyond the means of this crowd.

  53. jason330 says:

    “Have a great day” buttons.

  54. This post shall live in infamy.

  55. Mat Marshall says:

    Tom Carper’s soul.

  56. disbelief says:

    Two free “switch your party” voter registration forms.

  57. Dave says:

    “Two free “switch your party” voter registration forms.”

    Who would pay for those when you can get them for free at any event for Jack “I need R’s because I can’t get enough D’s” Markell?

    BTW, this has to be one of the 10 most classic DE Blogosphere threads of 2007.

    A couple of really stupid comments, but hey, it’s you guys, so the expectation level is not high. Overall, very funny.

  58. jason330 says:


  59. disbelief says:

    Dave, are you giving Dem’s campaign advice now? We’d kind of like you to stick with R’s. Reasoning is obvious.

  60. Von Cracker says:

    How about a proper prison raping?

    …Cause it’s all about the POWER, not love. And that’s what they’re into – strong daddies that will protect them for protection in return – right?

  61. disbelief says:

    I don’t think you’ll get too many bids on a free prison rape.

  62. Von Cracker says:

    Not even the GOP-curious, like Craig & Foley?