Holy Joe, acting like he’s working

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 13, 2007

– Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden plans to air television ads in Iowa on Wednesday, touting his plan to end the Iraq war and his history of overcoming personal tragedy.

Perhaps we can use Joe’s recent excess of Hot Air to power the new Wind Mills off the gay coast of Delaware. I don’t know about you, but Biden has become the epitomy of all talk and no action. Although I did see a shot of him on CNN in his office, talking on the phone and acting all studious. I’m sure it’s hard werk being on the campaign and skipping votes and stuff…

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hiding in the open

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  1. Dana says:

    Well, y’all keep re-electing him, so it’s your fault.

  2. We need our congressional delegation to pressure BUSH and keep wind and other renewables in the US energy bill that he wants to veto and Reid wants to dilute.

  3. Arthur Downs says:

    Joe Biden et Fils are examples of a phenomenon where the most electable candidate is not necessarily the best person for the job.

    Both father and son are superb campaigners but how do they do on the job?

    If you were a relative of a murder victim, who would you prefer as a prosecutor? A Ferris Wharton or Beau Biden?

    Has Baby Biden demonstrated any brilliance in dealing with the abuse of both patients and nursing staff by some ‘grandfathered’ thugs at the DPC? Is dad always eager to spew some hollow rhetoric to get some face time or ink? Will he out-poll Dennis Kucinich in any head-to-head competition at the back of the pack?