Delaware Liberal

Is Romney’s Run bad for Mormonism?

Flipp is bringing a lot of attention to the LDS faith and I’m wondering is the mormons are very happy about that? Were they content pretty much owning all of Utah and flying somewhat under the national radar?

It seems like a learn some wacky new fact about mormonism everyday. For example, did you know that mormons think Jesus and the Devil are brothers? I didn’t until Reverend Huckabee told the NYT about it.

I also recently found out that some mormons have special underwear, and when some LDS hippies protest against the Church they burn or deface the underwear in the manner of secular hippies buring old glory.

Of Course Mormonism has been around a long time (tens of decades), so I don’t think Romney wil have a significant longterm impact. But while he hangs around I’m sure we’ll all be learning tons of interesting things courtesy of Reverand Huckabee.

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