A Big Day For Wind Power

Filed in National by on December 18, 2007

Tommywonk has been covering it (natch).

What I want to know is what can I do? If the PSC punts back to Leg Hall it is terrible news for Delaware since the leaders of General Assembly  are totally in the pocket of Gary Stockbridge, a man who people say was born with a full set of pointy devil teeth.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (4)

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  1. Dana says:

    If y’all could just harness the wind that comes from the mouth of Joe Biden, y’all could power all of New Castle County, and parts of Kent.

  2. Arthur Downs says:

    Wind power may be even more trendy than ethanol but never forget that there are down sides to every panacea.

  3. TommyWonk says:

    What you can do is tell your legislators to give the project the green light.

    The environmental benefits are clear. The project would create long term price stability in the face of rising fossil fuel prices. The PSC staff report enumerated the ways in which the project meets the requirements of HB 6, the law that set this process in motion.

    The proposed deal is the result of months of negotiations, exensive analysis and thousands of public comments (20 t0 1 in favor). It shouldn’t end with legislative leadership killing the deal without understanding the economics or the overwhelming public sentiment in favor.

    You can help them understand how important this is by calling and writing. They’ve already heard from Demarva Power. It’s your turn.

  4. Wolfgang von Baumgart, State Sec. , Independent Party of Delaware says:

    WE should also support tidal power projects.

    Compare approximately5-6 cents/KWH nearshore tidal to 11-14 cents /KWH
    offshore wind. The critical cost factor is
    underwater transmission line length…

    Offshore wind is welcome . Generate hydrogen
    in off-peak powere periods and use as backup
    during calm periods….