Hitchens NAILS Huck to the cross he wears

Filed in Uncategorized by on December 18, 2007

The “Christian Leader” Huck claims he is, is such bullshit and only someone as bloviatingly pompous as Hitchens will take him to task

A candidate who followed the “Rev.” Jim Jones to a Kool-Aid resort in Guyana (don’t forget that this did actually happen)
A candidate who said that the pope could excommunicate other American candidates with whom he disagreed
A candidate who said that the above-mentioned pope was the Antichrist
A candidate who said that L. Ron Hubbard was a visionary
A candidate who said that Joseph Smith was a visionary
A candidate who said that any holy book was scripturally inerrant
A candidate who was a member of Hezbollah or the Muslim Brotherhood or the Nation of Islam
A candidate who was a supporter or member of the Orange Order or the Ulster Unionist Party
A candidate who was a supporter or member of Opus Dei or the Phalange Party
A candidate who was a supporter or member of Lehi or the Jewish Defense League
A candidate who was a member of the Aryan Nations, the KKK, or any other white Protestant “Christian Identity” faction
A candidate who said that the Quran was dictated by the archangel Gabriel

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hiding in the open

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  1. cassandra m says:

    There is no doubt, when he’s on, he’s on.

    But, if he is thinking of re. Leo Ryan as the guy who when to the Peoples Temple in Guyana, Hitch is completely off base. Ryan went down there to investigate what was going on and was murdered by Jim Jones’ minions for his trouble. I can’t think of who else Hitch could be referring to….

  2. Dorian Gray says:

    I don’t care for Hitchens’ style. To strident and direct – can’t he be nicer? He might go and hurt somebody’s feelings! 🙂

  3. Joe M says:

    You are correct, cassandra. I have not heard of any legislators (Federal, at least) that followed Jones to Guyana to join the People’s Temple.