UPDATED: A typical Mike Castle (fails to) Come Through on Wind Power

Filed in National by on December 19, 2007

Well – Ive been punked. it seems someone who knew that I would jump at this sent me a clip from a different Castle press release. Sorry about the rush to misjudgement. The press release had nothing to do with Wind power.


This is as direct and forceful a statement from the leader Delaware’s GOP that I’ve ever heard:

” I support acting immediately to avoid the potentially catastrophic repercussions of climate change by reducing emissions of harmful greenhouse gasses and enacting the kind of reform business and industry need to grow the economy and stabilize the climate.

“Our work has just begun.”

Wow! That was a speedy smack down of Terry Spence. I guess Castle is taking his leadership role seriously for a change.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    Who says you aren’t even-handed…?

  2. donviti says:

    smart move for the guy. All the Green R’s in North Wilmington and Rehoboth area will remember it come trigger time

  3. Is there anything in the bill Bush signed today that will help fund BlueWater Wind? If not, that Castle’s big words are pretty empty. If he didn’t push an amendment to get funding for off shore wind then what the hell?

  4. Dorian Gray says:

    Jason, You clearly have an agenda. Your ulterior motives are clear. You don’t have one iota of understanding on this issue. You make me sick! 🙂