Delaware Liberal

IOWA ELETRONIC MARKETS: Lots of Movement on the GOP Side

The very fluid race for the GOP nomination got even more fluid this week.

Guliani: Tanking. The word is finally getting out about Guliani. I predict that he will not be the front runner this time next week.

Romney: Lost a lot ground to Huckabee last week but managed to stop the hemmoraging. He is spending obscene amounts in Iowa in order to be able to limp into NH not looking too much like a complete loser.

Huckabee: Busting out of the third tier in dramatic fashion got him noticed by Romney who went on the attack with news of an Arkansas “Willie Horton” which slowed him down. Is he ready to be the front-runner?
McCain: Highest trading numbers since back in July. Some of the Guliani mirage is heading his way. He is also probably also picking up the “I can’t fucking believe these choices” vote.
Ron Paul: The “money bomb” finally got Paul some attention and some of the Guliani mirage is headed his way, but is he “for real?” You’ll know when Romney starts attacking him.

Fred Thompson: Who?

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