Filed in National by on December 19, 2007

Huge Minner/Carney Failure of Leadership

Here is how Tommywonk writes up the utter BS that went down:

Russell Larson, the controller general, quoted the Lloyd Bridges character in the movie Airplane, “I picked a bad day to give up smoking.” (I don’t know whether Larson smokes or not.) He went on to explain that he represents 62 members of the General Assembly. (Not that he has discussed this will all 62 members; he has met with the legislative leadership.)

Har dee har. Funny joke Russell. However, what is not so funny is that Delmarva Power’s Gary Stockbridge and his paid henchmen in Leg Hall (Terry Spence, Charlie Copeland et al) have scuttled the Windpower project.

This is complete Bullshit.

Here is Spence Via the NJ

House Speaker Terry Spence, R-Stratford, said he was concerned about the cost of the project, $1 billion to construct 150 turbines off the coast of Rehoboth Beach.

“I have a feeling, in talking with other elected officials, that the possibility of a huge expense down the road, long-term, was one of the reasons why there was some hesitation, and it’s probably why it’s been tabled,” Spence said.

The Minner/Carney administration has utterly failed to exercise any leadership in this. The whole thing is putrid.

Meanwhile, Tom Noyes seems to be filling a void left by the abject uselessness of the Minner/Carney administration. He kicked off “round two” of decency’s  face off with Stockbridge with this:

Tom Noyes, whose Tommywonk blog is widely read among Delaware environmentalists, expressed optimism the issues could be worked out.


“We’ve got the facts on our side, we’ve got the law on our side, we’ve got public sentiment on our side. Now we just have to get talking to our legislators,” Noyes said.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (39)

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  1. Fonzy says:

    Really — the last thing this issue needs is more propaganda.

    I love how you blogarazzi try and push your silly agenda every chance you get (the completely transparent overuse of Minner/Carney) instead of focusing on the real issue.

    Anyone that can use Google can find ample evidence of Carney’s position on this issue, and it’s not all that different from markell’s or anyone else’s position. Any contention to the contrary equates to either blatant stupidity, or just plain fudging the facts.

    It’s also worth noting that, based on everything that has been written since the meeting the other day, it appears that the one voting member with the most reservations was the Controller General. (Since you very clearly need a civics lesson — the Controller General works for the members of the General Assembly.)

    The three other voting members — those that most everyone believes were ready to vote “yes” at the recent meeting — are all members of (and appointed by) the Administration.

    Read your friend Tommywonk’s words carefully:

    “[n]ow we just have to get talking to our legislators…”

    This is clearly the result of concerns raised by members of the General Assembly, not the Administration.

  2. jason330 says:

    Dummy –

    Who has more access to “our legislators” me or Carney? That’s the failure.

    His blow-hard blabbering in WDEL this morning was sickening. What he should be doing is twisting some arms, not trying to twist his uselessness into some illusion of effectivness.

  3. TommyWonk says:

    John Carney has been on record for months as supporting the offshore wind proposal. The question is whether he can use his influence to help close the deal. It would be a fitting test of leadership for someone who wants to be governor.

  4. donviti says:

    I’m so glad that since we deregulated Delmarva the competition has lowered prices in Delaware.


  5. Fonzy says:

    I agree with you TommyWonk, and as I said before anyone that can use Google (or has the good sense to read your blog) already knows that John Carney supports the offshore wind proposal.

    To suggest that the most recent delay in approving this proposal is a result of anyone else’s failure but the General Assembly’s is dangerous. It takes the focus off of the people that are holding this up. It’s not the Administration, and it is most certainly not John Carney.

  6. jason330 says:

    In your face Fonz!

    Having “positions” is one thing. Doing something is quite another.

  7. Fonzy says:

    Jason, your last post makes absolutely no sense.

    You clearly have an agenda, and you have decided that you would rather place it above using the forum that you have to focus attention on the parties that are really holding this important issue up.

    There is not a Governor in Delaware’s past, present or future that can prevent the General Assembly from becoming involved in an issue of this magnitude. It affects too many people, and costs too much money. If you really believe that this issue was going to get addressed without the GA inserting itself into the process then you don’t know anything about Delaware government or Delaware politics.

    The real test of leadership will come during the upcoming legislative session, and will be decided by those that can bridge the differences between the disparate parties.

    Your test is right now — you can either decide to be a propagandist (a position you are strongly leaning towards) or you can decide to put this issue above your own petty agenda.

    If the forum you have means anything, then you will use it in the same way your friend TommyWonk has with his — by drawing attention to the facts and focusing attention the real obstacles to enacting change.

  8. jason330 says:

    Only the facts that you don’t like are “propaganda” – very clever that.

    The bottom line “fact” is that we are at this sorry state in part because the Minner/Carney administration sucks ass.

    In your worldview Fonz, maybe the executive branch is just an adornment – but I see them as players in this drama. Players that have been weighed in the balance and found wanting.

  9. Fonzy says:


    Talking to you is like talking to a child… I’ll wait for TommyWonk to weigh in.

    You have no credibility on this issue. The reason that he has so much is that he doesn’t let his personal agenda get in the way of the issue he cares deeply about.

  10. jason330 says:

    Ohhh. I am cut to the quick.

    While my wounds are healing I’ll still be calling out the useless and pusillanimous John Carney and Ruth Ann Minner.

  11. liberalgeek says:

    Fonzy – I think Jason’s point is that Carney could be on the phone to legislators as well. I might see my legislator once a year, but Carney not only sees them, but has standing with them. There is not a legislator in Dover that doesn’t have a majority of constituents that are in favor of the wind farm.

    Perhaps there is no grand conspiracy here, but it sure feels like it. It feels like, despite overwhelming popular support, Gary Stockbridge has been making more headway with our legislators than Minner and Carney.

    Do you know that either of them have been pushing this with the legislators that they speak to?

  12. jason330 says:


    I don’t think anyone is accountable for anything in the Fonz’s world. John Carney is just a twig borne on the shoulders of a mighty river. To suggest otherwise is “propaganda.”

  13. liberalgeek says:

    Let me also state for the record, lest I be a propagandist, that despite more public attention paid by Markell, it seems to have been for naught as well.

  14. jason330 says:

    I guess I’m more pissed off at the Gov. and Lt. Gov because I think of thier jobs (in this matter) as being ones that require them to go beyond just having “positions” to having leadership.

    Also – Carney just pissed me right off with his empty nonsense on WDEL this morning.

  15. Dave says:

    LG supported wind before Carney and Markell did. Maybe he should be the Dem nominee.

  16. liberalgeek says:

    Only if Tommy will run with me.

  17. Fonzy says:


    Your missing the point here. Everyone else sees this issue clearly because they don’t have the fog of their own personal agenda clouding their vision.

    Everyone can see that the cause of the most recent delay is the General Assembly. A junior high school civics student understands their role in an issue this big.

    I’ll reiterate my point made before — if you thought this was going to get done without them interjecting then you are a fool. Period.

    I agree with LiberalGeek that the time is now at hand for people to step up and work the GA to get this done. But Jason doesn’t care about that — he wants to characterize this not only as a failure, but as one directly attributable to Carney because it fits his agenda.

    “I guess I’m more pissed off at the Gov. and Lt. Gov because I think of thier jobs (in this matter) as being ones that require them to go beyond just having ‘positions’ to having leadership.”

    OK — so then I guess we can expect a pretty positive write up for the Gov. and Lt. Gov when this gets done (which it ultimately will), right?

  18. liberalgeek says:

    The positive write up will depend on if it gets done because of Carney and Minner or despite Carney and Minner.

    I suspect that at the end of the day, we will know who applied the right pressure. If it is a popular uprising, the Pols that move along with the mob will not be rewarded as richly as those who lead the charge.

  19. Fonzy says:


    Sorry to break the news to you, but Jason will never (ever!) author a positive post about Carney, regardless of the outcome.

    He has an agenda. You know this better than most, because your know him personally.

    In my book, this means he is a propagandist. He is a shill.. a hack.. a whore…

    I’m not saying he doesn’t have a right to say what he wants. But be a man — knuckle up and admit your bias.

    There are plenty of others who don’t want to let their personal agendas get in the way of progress. Jason seems intent on confusing people that he actually cares about wind power. He doesn’t.

    If he did, he’d put it before advancing his own agenda.

  20. liberalgeek says:

    I bet that you will see positive posts about him if he becomes the nominee. Compared to the shills on the other side, Jason is downright even-handed.

  21. jason330 says:

    Compared to the shills on the other side, Jason is downright even-handed.


  22. donviti says:

    so who does Fonzy work for?

  23. Fonzy says:

    I don’t work for anyone you dolt.

    If you’ve got something to say, why don’t you stick to the issue at hand.

  24. liberalgeek says:

    Actually, if you were a shill in disguise, wouldn’t that color our opinion of your statements? You seem to put a lot of stock in the source of a statement, yet deny us that information as it regards you…

    You aren’t Gary Stockbridge are you? 🙂

  25. Fonzy says:

    I think it’s pretty clear from my comments that I am a supporter of wind power.

    My issue with Jason’s painfully obvious personal agenda to smear Carney is that it distracts attention from the actual reason that this issue is currently stalled; the members of the General Assembly, as expressed by their representative on the panel — the Controller General.

    By taking shots at the Administration and Carney (he characterized the failure as theirs), Jason is giving them cover — he is acting as an apologist for the real culprits here.

    If you question anyone’s motives, question his — he is putting his own personal feelings ahead of taking steps to advance a positive change.

    You see the exact opposite behavior from TommyWonk. I am certain that he is disappointed, and probably very angry. But he doesn’t let his personal feelings get in the way of advancing an issue that he knows to be good.

    That’s why people listen to him.

  26. I missed Carney on the radio. Maybe you or Dana will post the interview.

  27. People, please remember how devious are those in Dover. They gave themselves a raise a few years ago by ‘forgetting how to legislate’ OOPs.

    And remember that we are run by BIG HEADs of which the Carney/Minner are the biggest.

  28. donviti says:


    you must be a virgin to the site. Perhaps we should veil our agenda for you like the local media does for you?

    Jason’s agenda is pointing out the imcompetence of local politicians, the hypocrisy and the typical lack of support the Governor gives to obvious projects a majority of the citizens care about.

    what moron doesn’t see that a politician at that level could “lean” on the GA? I mean christ isn’t that what politics is all about?

    Instead we have another geezer or 2 with a foot in the grave spewing bullshit that “we still have so many questions unanswered”

    spare me, the only question we have un answered is who do you work for?

    why are you wasting your time with Jason? Go make change like Burris. He’ll be the first to tell you he does

  29. PJ's Pal says:

    The “Big Heads” are a bipartisan, unofficial legislative committee. They do not include Minner or Carney.

  30. Fonzy says:


    Jason has a right to express his opinion, as does everyone else who writes on this blog.

    I’m simply asking that he nut up and admit that his overarching goal in writing this particular post was to smear people that he doesn’t like, not to lament the failure of a laudable policy goal.

    Again, nothing wrong with this — I just fail to see how this is any different than the prepubescent drama going on over at MySpace.

    If that is what you all aspire to, rock on. Just admit you’re shallow minded propagandists and be done with it.

    Fonzy out!

  31. jason330 says:

    I’m simply asking that he nut up and admit that his overarching goal in writing this particular post was to smear people that he doesn’t like, not to lament the failure of a laudable policy goal.

    I can’t do both? You need to get out more.

  32. Fonzy says:

    Waste your talents here no more. MySpace awaits you O Wise One…

  33. donviti says:


    this is porn for politicalphiles I’ll have you know! this is much, much more disgusting what we do over here!

  34. Big Heads do not include C/M in the material sense, but have surrogates of the administration, no? As far as a political structure, it exists as a vehicle to advise the administration.

  35. Dana Garrett says:

    Two points:

    1. The the “Minner/Carney administration” is a huge misnomer. The Lt. Gov. is elected separately and is paid the same amount as an elected legislator and from the funds of the legislative branch. The entire official/legal relationship that the Lt. Gov. has to the Gov. consists in the death of a Gov. That hardly makes them part of the same administration.

    2. Yes, Terry Spence & Charlie Copeland are shilling for Delmarva Power. And we now need to add Valihura and Lavelle based on his interview on WDEL today. But here is another one that needs to be pointed out, one Jason didn’t mention although it’s clear from the NJ article he’s part of the screw-the-residential-electric-bill-payer crowd: Sen. Thurman Adams.

    Really, Jason, you should have mentioned him. But we Dems don’t like to mention him because of the colossal embarrassment we have about our Dem Senators (except Peterson) empowering him again & again. He’s our responsibility, which is why he is seldom mentioned.

  36. PJ's Pal says:

    Who are these surrogates?

  37. A missed opportunity and a sad one.

    Other possible energy and tech ventures will think twice about Delaware with this weak action.

  38. jason330 says:


    I say fuck Sen. Thurman Adams. It was an oversight not mentioning him. Thanks for the correction.

    He is a member of the “Contempt Caucus” and we all need to get started rining these fools up.

  39. anon says:

    rining these fools up

    I don’t know what that means but if it will be unpleasant for them, let’s do it.