Delaware Liberal

2007: The year of the Scandal

I have to say that I’m impressed with little Delaware’s ability to field such a well-rounded list of scandals this year. Let’s have a closer look, shall we?

Bill Oberle/Blue Hen Promotions Scandal
elected official uses his position to get some money to a family member. Shocking!..I mean ZZZzzzzz…No sex, no drugs…I give this a C+

Wayne Smith’s Cut and Run
From “fastest rising GOP star” to “see ya later tater!” Smith was smart enough to hit the revolving door running as soon as John Kowalko got to Dover. Good riddance, yes..but scandal…? I give it aD+

John Atkins’ Self-Destruction
What I would give to see Mrs. Atkins in the “sexy cop” costume she was wearing that night. *sigh* This one let everyone (EVEN CELIA) feel like one of the “good guys.” Grade: A

Mike Protack’s Router
How can a guy get stone cold busted and shake it off like that? Must be the Marine Corps flight training. If he had folded I’d go higher but with Mike still the only announced “R”, I give this is a C.

The Lowfink Escheat Scandal
I love this. It has everything except clumsy bathroom sex. [It even contains the words “cheat” and “fink” in its title. It’s like a scandal harmonic convergence!] Millions stolen, political cronyism and patronage, a “mums the word” cover-up that reaches into the highest levels of state government. Come to think of it, maybe clumsy bathroom sex does figure in at some point. Hmmm? Grade: A

John Still’s Out-of-District Love Nest
Why is it always the guys who make a big stink about family values that end up in seaside assignations with mistresses? Oh, I know. Because the guys who make a big stink about family values are mainly Republicans. Grade: B+

Common Cause’s Implosion
Good government reformers form circular firing squad. What else is new? Grade: D

Tommy Little/IPOD Bruhaha
I don’t want to break my string of 10 consecutive months of not caring about the Independent Party, so I’ll leave it to Liz Allen to grade this one in the comments section.

And….two that did not make the list but these are close to my heart.

Brian N. Moore: Very well Paid Lightbulb Changer
That might have been 2006..?

Mike Castle Fires Elizabeth Wenk
Some say it was gross incompetence. Anyway, emailing Castle’s office aint what it used to be. Grade: A+

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