Movie to watch

Filed in National by on January 5, 2008

I’m sitting here watching “Man of the Year” with Robin Williams, Lewis Black, and Chris Walken.  It is a great movie believe it or not.  Essentially an Independent tired of big business runs for President.  It is full of things you wish a politicians would say.   It also seems to have the conspiracy theory slant of rigged electronic voting.  (not that that could ever EVER happen in the United States)

3 and a half Pepporoni Pizza’s

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hiding in the open

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  1. Rebecca says:

    It is a good movie Don, enjoy! We’re still taking down the winter solstice decorations. About three more trips to the basement should do the job. Then I think a trip to the video store to rent Man of the Year and a quick stop to pick up Chinese carry out. There’s even half a bottle of wine left over from New Years to go with the Chinese. Now that’s cocooning at it’s best. I’m feeling sorry for all those volunteers in New Hampshire tonight. I guess our turn is coming.

  2. jason330 says:

    Man I thought the commercials for this were horrible. If it is good – it was killed at the box office by the marketing department.

  3. I saw the movie a while back because I’m a huge Lewis Black fan. It’s a very decent movie. Not great, but pretty good. One I’d watch again if I came across it.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Brian, did you know Lewis Black is coming to the Grand on Saturday, March 29?

  5. Rebecca, thanx for the info. I went to the Grand’s website though, and they don’t sell tickets online. I love Lewis Black’s HBO Show, so I’ll be sure to check it out