A “Bad News / Good News” Situation

Filed in National by on January 6, 2008

First the bad news: Worldwide economic train wreck.

Now the good news: No more Republican money grubbing trying to pass as economic theory. Also, far less DLC corporate asskissing* from toadies like Tom Carper.

Too bad we’ll have to endure the first to get the second – but I’ll take it.

*Asskissing grossly understates the DLC’s malevolent role in this economic debacle, but I’m trying to keep the blog more kid friendly.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Carper even had to pollute his message to the grads yesterday with a reported repeat message on packing parachutes. K Street loves this guy. Is is any wonder that Abramoff found a home here in Sunny Rehoboth with Muscley Mikey Scanlon?

  2. Speaking of DLC, of the up ‘n coming DE DEMs who share in its glory (Coons, Markell, Denn), WNJ never mentioned Gore family member Coons once in the three articles today (at least my cursory scan didn’t see anything).

  3. cassandra m says:

    I don’t know how this translates into the end of repub corporate welfare, especially since BushCo seems bent on asking for more in the next SotU address.

    Speaking of Corporate Welfare, did anyone hear the Fresh Air interview with David Kay Johnson on Thursday? Johnson is the NYT tax reporter (and one of the few good reasons to still read the Times). He has a new book breaking down how the wholesale transfer of taxes to the pockets of corporations is the business of some businesses right now. He points out how GWB made his money not in baseball, but in the taxpayer subsidies from it. The interview is available via podcast from iTunes if interested.

  4. I’ll look for that interview, Cassandra. We all should keep asking Biden, Carper and Castle to open the books on earmarks too.

  5. Dogless says:

    The recession started last month (It will not be official for about a year) and should abate right around the end of the year. So the Dem that gets the pres. job is automatically going to look like a genius.