Delaware Liberal

Breaking: Alan Levin Now “80 percent likely” to Run Against Mike Protack

It is not me saying it. It is Louis Jacobson, Columnist.

As Delaware Democrats try to retain the seat held by term-limited Gov. Ruth Ann Minner, the primary battle between Lt. Gov. John Carney (D) and state Treasurer Jack Markell (D) is heating up. Polls are scarce, but Carney is thought to be ahead, albeit by a decreasing margin. Republicans hope for two things: a rough Democratic primary that leaves the loser’s supporters dejected, and the entry into the race by Alan Levin (R), a moderate former U.S. Senate aide who last year sold his family’s Happy Harry’s drug store chain to Walgreens. Analysts think Levin is 80 percent likely to run. Either Democrat would be favored, especially in a presidential year, but Levin would be a credible challenger.

Yes. I know that it also means that there is a 20% chance that he will not challenge Protack. But maybe there is something to these rumors about Levin challenging Protack after all.

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