Government Logic

Filed in National by on January 6, 2008

Our commerical aircraft were attacked by guys with box cutters, so we decide to put anti-missle shit on them to ….uhhmm protect them….from box cutter brandishing terrorists.

It’s the same kind of awesome logic that we used when we invaded Iraq as a result of being attacked by people from Saudi Arabia.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. jackson Template says:

    From 2002 – Group of Arab terrorists fired at least two missiles at an Arkia Israeli airliner carrying 271 passengers as it took off from Mombasa’s airport for Israel. The missiles narrowly missed, and the plane landed safely at Ben-Gurion Airport approximately five hours later.

    So Jason, don’t think it can’t happen. All they need is a SA-7 or a Stringer.

  2. anon says:

    The technology is intended to stop a missile attack by detecting heat given off from the rocket, then firing a laser beam that jams the missile’s guidance system.

    We’re giving Mike Protack a laser beam?

  3. Jason,

    The TSA has protected from neither.

    TSA affectionately stands for Thousands Standing Around. I left La Guardia airport last week at 10 pm and the Delta Shuttle was closed yet there were 11 people still at the checkpoints.

    The screening points still miss 40% of the fake bombs and guns depsite spending $3 billion a year. The problem is we screen everyone as if everyone is the same which is a tremendous waste of time. You can buy laptops which can verify your identity but the TSA has no answer for that one.

    Also, the missile threat is very real and does require an answer which works. Retrofitting an airplane for this can add $1 million to the plane’s costs.

    In the end ticket holders will probably pay another ticket tax to fund this need. Before 9 /11 there were 9 taxes on tickets-now there are 18 taxes and we re no safer.

    Fly safely.

  4. jackson Template says:

    It’s the same kind of awesome logic that we used when we invaded Iraq as a result of being attacked by people from Saudi Arabia.

    Wouldn’t that be like you getting a DUI so why would you have any moral authority to pass judgement on anyone?

  5. jason330 says:

    Thanks for the insights Mike. $1 million times X million aircraft now flying = One huge pile of cash to protect against something that has a very low probability of happening.

    Jackson’s head is filled with Tom Clancey pulp spy novel bullshit. I know, that stuff is like a narcotic.

    But maybe when he comes down from his “sum of all fears” buzz, he might agree that a better approach would be to do the regular old boring police work. Then again, probably not. The idea of blowing shit up is more fun.

  6. jason330 says:

    It’s you again? You’re back. Well come on in, and if you want me to tell my DUI story again please don’t be shy, just come out and say it.

    In the meantime if you are saying that we were right to invade a random country that never attacked us, then come out and say that.

  7. We can not expect Homeland Security Dept. to fund their mandate, that would set a costly precedent for Bushco’s policy implementations.

    Also, I caught a bit of Lou Dobbs last night as he diverted attention from immigration for a nanosecond to focus on the Chinese. There is some indication (from satelite images ?) of similarly armed jets and scary stuff about their military build up. Just a passing thought.

  8. The laser is an “auto detect” system. We have several of these on our airplanes now which detect many faults or potentially injurious things to the aircraft.

    I was responsible for about 65,000 lives last year. It is a big responsibility with no room for error.

  9. donviti says:

    don’t forget I can’t take my hair gel on my carry on now either!

    How am I supposed to keep my hair perfect on the plane now!

  10. cassandra m says:

    How does anyone in the USA get a shoulder-fired missile in the first place? Seems to me that the answer to that is the first place to start reducing the threat. Otherwise, frankly, this is more corporate welfare, this time for BAE.

    This is The Last Word re: the follies of airline security. (This is written by Patrick Smith who also writes on airline issues over at

  11. anon says:

    Seriously, if we need these these kind of systems, they should be ground-based and deployed around airports. Cheaper and more effective.

  12. There are a half million shoulder launched weapons throughout the world and they are available in many non-state groups. Good for 3-5 miles slant range and can engage aircraft up to 15,000 feet depending on the speed of the aircraft.

    The ground based systems do not have the flexibility and reliability needed for deployment. The air based systemswhich have proven better and have a range from flares to heat lamps to lasers. Fares are a bit dangerous, lamps take a lot of energy and lasers use the same amount of electricity of a household appliance.

    The tough part is the MTBF which has been a big problem.

  13. jason330 says:

    “ground based system” to me means an FBI that does not have it’s head up it’s ass or is otherwise bogged down chasing down Republican Congressman on the take.

  14. anon says:

    Hmmm… Cell phones that pinpoint your location 24 hours a day… Thousands of laser-armed planes patrolling the skies…. Things could get interesting!