Delaware Liberal

What I’ve Learned About the Early Primaries

I have to thank Dave Burris.  I didn’t get it until I listened to what he was saying.  He has been battered by polls for the past 6 months that showed that Mitt was doing poorly nationally.  Dave pointed out that nationally didn’t matter so much at the beginning.  Mitt was spending to win Iowa and New Hampshire.  Then that momentum would carry the day in the other primaries.

That is why I am so excited that Obama did so well in Iowa.  Now he leads in the latest polls in New Hampshire.  Like a running back, I can now see the hole in the line opening up in front of Obama.  A win here and he is the candidate to beat for the rest of the month.

Things don’t look so hot for Mitt, though.  In 6 of 7 NH polls, Mitt is losing to McCain (by as much as 14 points in one).  We’ll know how scared Mitt is when he starts letting loose on McCain.  So far all of the McCain talk has been “Great American” talk.  Look for the back channel, “Older than Dirt” comments to start flying.  If something doesn’t change, Mitt will start looking for a VP spot by March.

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