Delaware Liberal

McCain Wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years

Senator McCain compares it to Japan which we occupied for about 60 years. “…make it a hundred.” he tells a New Hampshire audience member at a Q&A.

Well, 100 years is a long time and call me crazy but sitting in the middle of a civil war for 100 years might be a bit …..uhhhh…taxing.

BAGHDAD, Jan 9 (Reuters) – Six U.S. soldiers were killed in a house rigged with explosives on Wednesday in Diyala province, where U.S. and Iraqi forces have launched a major operation against al Qaeda, the U.S. military said.

It was one of the highest daily death tolls for U.S. troops in Iraq for months. The military said four U.S. soldiers were also wounded in the explosion.

But wait! In the interest of full disclosure McCain DID say in the video that staying 100 years would be okay provided Americans were not being killed. So, to sum up the McCain’s policy is to stay in Iraq until Americans are not being killed and then stay another 100 years.

Did I mention the fact that Mike Castle think John McCain should be the President of the United States?

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