Delaware Liberal

My Body Petition – The Jensen

I still want to blog about the whole day, but I just don’t have time so I’ll tell you about my little exchange with Rick Jensen.

After listening to about 10 minutes of Rick Jensen saying how great Republicans are in my car I got to Dover and as I was getting out of my car I was hearing Jensen and Selander start to talk about my upcoming bit of political theater.

Jensen was saying it was a bad idea or something so I hurried and took my shirt off and put on the windbreaker I brought to have an easy way to turn the protest on and off if I had to. [I had someone at work write the “text” of the petition a bit earlier] I fumbled my way through the security and get to the desk that they have WDEL set up in the basement.

I see some guy who was not Rick Jensen so I guessed that it was Selander and introduced myself. Jensen was kind of giving me the stink eye because I know that he reads this blog (being the most vain person in the world (Hi Rick!)) and he knows I’ve called him a nit wit and an idiot and a dolt on occasions too numerous to name.

Anyway, they tell me it will be about ten minutes because they have a report from New Hampshire. Fine. I chat with Al Mascitti for a bit, John Kowalko and Richard Korn. I have to admit it is pretty strange and heady stuff “knowing” people.

I see a little table with a bunch of self important old guys in the middle of the cafeteria and I picture the ghost of Jim Vaughn hovering over that table and I say to myself, “Your numbers are shrinking boys. It is only a matter of time before you don’t matter you old farts.”

So back to Jensen. Prior to sitting down I buy three bottles of water and give one to Selander and one to Jensen saying, “I got you this so you’d be nice to me. ”

And he says “So I’d be nice to you?”

“Yeah. I know how you Republicans operate.” I said.

Then Jensen sits up a bit and says, “I’m not a Republican…I’m an Independent”

“Really?” I said “Try taping the show one day and listen to it. Tell me your not a republican after that.” about a second later we get the cue that we’re on the air.

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