Patrick Jackson “Ba’als” on Print Journalism in favor of other false idols. Smart Move Pat

Filed in National by on January 10, 2008

Dana’s post on the lay of the land at the state Senate covers a lot of bases including the fact that PJ is lending his writting talents to the service of Thurman Adams. Delawarewatch also mentions the (some say) sacriligious opening prayer in which Venables asked God to smite bloggers and journalists not named Celia Cohen.

If the prayer doesn’t work I think Venables should turn up the heat and install and alter to Ba’al in Leg. Hall.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. disbelief says:

    Does anyone have a transcript of the Death to Blogger Blasphemers, or How Dare They Tell the Truth For the Truth is Only Known to the Holy Initiates of The Inner Sanctum?

  2. Arthur Downs says:

    Print journalism has had its moments of glory but may have peaked when the masterful cartoons of Thomas Nast helped to bring down Boss Tweed.

    Yes, some blogs are a bit over the top, but who can forget the blatant character assassination of a true hero by the highly-touted Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The ridicule heaped on an innocent person was repeated on the late night shows that are supposed to be funny.

    Yet here I am, a rather contrarian conservative with populist and libertarian leanings presenting my words on a site with the word ‘Liberal’ in its title. There are no ‘once every 45 days’ posting limits and if someone wants to take a verbal whack at me, that’s what it’s all about.

  3. liberalgeek says:

    Agreed, Arthur. That is what makes this a better medium than print and other electronic media. In addition, we are much more likely to refer you to our “competitors” than any of the other formats. I wish I could count the links to conservative blogs (but I can only count to 21, and I have to be naked to get over 20).

    Plus, that joke would never get published anywhere else.

  4. Al Mascitti says:

    “who can forget the blatant character assassination of a true hero by the highly-touted Atlanta Journal-Constitution”

    The newspaper was printing what the FBI told it. They didn’t make it up.

  5. disbelief says:

    Yet another cheap-shot method: use the politician’s name as a term of art for something that characterizes them. The Village Voice did it with Santorum. We can do it with Venables, as in, “I took a mean hit to my Venables; hurt for days.”

  6. My impression of the Adams move was that this is about the DEM stock and trade Delaware Way vs the challenge by Markell. When Markell hired Rogalsky we all were fanning this move with palm leaves. Not a few days later Pat Jack slides over into a position that has been vacant for what, over a decade?
    I called Rogalsky to let him in on the joke, “this is about you, Joe! And the DEM gubernatorial primary”.
    Just my take. Think it’s close?

  7. jason330 says:

    Fair enough I’d say. The bottom line: having Cohen on speed dial does not cut it anymore.

  8. Sagacious Steve says:

    In pledging to apply the disinfectant of sunshine to Senate operations, Jackson promised to “leave no desk drawer unopened.”

  9. Art Downs says:

    The newspaper was printing what the FBI told it. They didn’t make it up. Al M.

    Just why was a body that was under the more than nominal control of Janet Reno so eager to make such a ‘leak’ of false information?

    Did ‘Dirty Larry’ Potts have a hand in this?