Delaware Liberal

Hube’s Race Problem

I’ve been checking on Hube now and then and recently he is on a jag about the fact that the NJ has a policy regarding reporting on the skin hue of anyone who turns up in the police blotter.

You can check that out or not. Probably best to let Hube work out his issues on his own.

Anyway, when I was reading it reminded me of the time I was the night clerk in a youth hostel in Scotland which was robbed.

When the police interviewed me I described one of the crooks as looking “Very Scottish.” You see, to me many of the native Scots I met were kind of short, had very pale skin, and a kind of flat oval face with a typical sort of bone structure. I didn’t mean anything disparaging by the remark.

Well, one of the cops who had been quiet to that point took offence.

“And what would you mean by <i>”very Scotish?” </i> he said in a super thick Scots accent.

I looked over at him and wouldn’t you know that that cop’s skin was dark brown.


They caught the guys because I noticed that one of them had a tatoo on his hand.

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