Wrong Williams Likes Bill Lee For Governor

Filed in National by on January 20, 2008

Why? I can’t make it out. I think maybe Lee was nice to him one time at a cocktail party. That is pretty much Williams’ criteria.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Williams is a GOPerhead and sees Lee as most likely to prevail at this point. I agree.

  2. RickJ says:

    There is no bigger Bill Lee fan than I am (outside of his immediate family), so I’d love to see the race. I doubt the party can raise the $2 million it would take to run through November, though.

  3. Bopeep says:

    Bill Lee is an old drunk that hangs out on Rehobeth bar stools chatting up young women.
    That’s what the De. GOP want to run for gov.?
    That’s a very desperate act. Let’s face it, the upper crust WASP male have screwed over women, blue collar people and religous people that there is no one left to follow their shallow one sided and narrowly focus misleadership coalition anymore. They want to take the helm and the WASP wont have it. They say” it’s my party and I’ll run who we want too”. We are wittnessing the last breath of the GOP as we know it. The Delaware GOP reflects what’s happening nationally. These moron WASP males are so out of touch that all of this is happening with a ression up their rear end caused by their best, GEORGE W. BUSH. They are finnished. Our vote must be ajusted, the male WASP can not be trusted.

  4. George says:

    Bopeep aka Protack

    I’d be careful about throwing out rumors like that… they’re not true

  5. FSP says:

    George — The trolls care nothing for truth. They just want to damage anyone who is not named Protack.

  6. anon says:

    Ron Williams has become an incredible anti prognosticator. Just take the opposite of whatever he says and you know what’s going to happen. That alcohol soused old idiot has become a living farce of the old time News Journal. Know it all. Say it with smugness. Never look back when it all proves wRONg. The guy has defined the term laughing stock in every one of his recent so called columns. Burris nailed his name to a tee. Hey wRONg try some sources younger than 80 years old for your information bud.

    Nevertheless Bill Lee should consider another run. What the hell why not?

  7. ANON. says:

    Ok FSP, I mean George.

  8. Hal S. says:

    Is this the same Bill Lee who got the party doing primaries every two years and who ran the very scattered and lazy race in 2004 that is now the savior?

    Let me remind you what National Committee woman Priscilla Rakestraw said- if everyone who frequented bars had voted for Bill he would have won. Lee was the Sussex Chairman after 2004 and he was to say the least “not there” unless it meant going to a party.”

    Stay at March Madness Bill.

  9. Lee got close enough to Minner in 2004 that she sold her soul to Jay Sonecha for the Garrison’s Golf course and some tens of thousands in campaign and inaugeral ball cashola. Then ten days after Nathan Hayward wrote Sonecha the check for Garrison’s, he signed off on Sonecha’s Bayberry Transportation Infrastructure Agreement drawn up by Pam Scott-Paul Clarky so that Sonecha stands to rob the state’s coffers of some 100 million worth of roads for his city below the canal. Folks should know that Clark and Coons are raising your sewer bills to pay for the souther sewer for Sonecha too.

  10. Lee got close enough to Minner in 2004 that she sold her soul to Jay Sonecha for the Garrison’s Golf course and some tens of thousands in campaign and inaugeral ball cashola. Then ten days after Nathan Hayward wrote Sonecha the check for Garrison’s, he signed off on Sonecha’s Bayberry Transportation Infrastructure Agreement drawn up by Pam Scott-Paul Clarky so that Sonecha stands to rob the state’s coffers of some 100 million worth of roads for his city below the canal. Folks should know that Clark and Coons are raising your sewer bills to pay for the souther sewer for Sonecha too.

  11. Bopeep says:

    Judge Lee is an oppertunist as well. He is trying to cash in on his name ID from a grizzly murder case to become the State’s top executive. Voters arn’t that dumb. He’s to long in the tooth. Rakestraw’s comment backs up my point.
    It seems to me that there will be a struggle within the De. GOP over “who will lead the GOP, what direction it will go and who their leaders will be”. I must say it’s about time. Delaware GOP voters will have a chance to make these very important choices very, very soon.


    Don’t you just love it? This war is long in the making so stick around see how it turns out.

  12. Whoever YOU want it to be says:

    Nancy….your post must not have been read by many county residents….not one comment or retort. Sad.

  13. Al Mascitti says:

    Bopeep: You don’t need a crystal ball to see how it turns out. If you think the GOP is on the wrong track by following the instincts of its wealthy members, wait until you see how low the vote totals are with your “populists.” You’ll find out exactly how few people fit the Huckabee profile in Delaware.

    I’d actually welcome that humiliation provided the anti-abortion crowd would fold its tents and go home after receiving a beating. But I suspect they won’t, or we wouldn’t still have Mike Protack to kick around.

  14. Bopeep says:

    Gov. Minner made a horrid remark about a woman that a prisoner took advange of on duty.
    It was a stupid remark at the worse time and Judge Lee exploited it. If he had another week he would have beaten her. Her numbers have never been the same since. She could harm Lt. Gov. Carney’s chances to be elected. He seems pretty weak and a hack. The complete opposite of what voters want now.

  15. Al Mascitti says:

    Yes, that’s the reason a strong Republican could win in November. But there’s no evidence whatsoever that the state is becoming more socially conservative — and let’s face it, that’s what all the “anti-Greenville” Republicans consider their selling point. The only place anyone is buying is in Sussex County. Last time I looked, it had about 1/4 the votes of New Castle County.

  16. FSP says:

    Al – I know a lot of rock-ribbed social conservatives and all they talk about is how poorly run the state is, how the schools are failing and how we’re spending too much money.

    Very few of them are single-issue voters. Most of them are conservative across-the-board. They will rally when a bill like HB 99 or SB 5 comes up, but social conservatives recognize that the biggest problems that can be addressed right now are on the fiscal and government operations side of the equation.

  17. Jason says:

    Could be irony but….
    http://www.leedelaware.com is currently under construction! Does this mean he’s running?

  18. downstater says:

    A whois search shows it’s registered to Richard Sargent of Rehoboth Beach, a former city commissioner.

  19. anon says:

    Registered in 1999… According to Wayback Machine, site was left with a “thank you” message after the 2000 campaign, suspended for non-payment in 2006, restored in 2007 with the current “under construction” message. No new activity since early 2007.

  20. jason330 says:

    Small state.

    Richard Sargent beat me in he only election I ever ran in. DHS student council President: 1982.

  21. disbelief says:

    Were you like Napolean Dynomite?

  22. Al Mascitti says:

    Was he like Tracy Flick?

  23. jason330 says:

    I was like Dave Burris.

    I found out about 4 days befor the sign up deadline that nobody was running so I said, “what the hey.”

    So did about 9 other people including Richard Sargent.

  24. jason330 says:

    True story.

  25. anon says:

    Richard Sargent… wasn’t he the second Darrin on Bewitched? Which one was the gay one?

  26. jason330 says:

    Paul Lynde

  27. RSmitty says:

    Yes, Paul Lynde was as gay as the center square, but I think anon is asking between Dick Sargent (gay) and Dick York (not gay). Amazing that they looked similar and both named Dick…and one apparently liked…nevermind.